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De flesta av våra publikationer finns med svensk sammanfattning samt länkar till publikationer under respektive forskningsområden, samt i kronologisk ordning nedan.


Hansson C, Hadžibajramović E, Svensson PA, Jonsdottir IH. Increased plasma levels of neuro-related proteins in patients with stress-related exhaustion: A longitudinal study. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2024 Sep;167:107091. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2024.107091. PMID: 38964018
Svensk sammanfattning

Schuller, S., de Rijk, A., Corin, Let al. Mental Health Stigma in the Workplace and its Association with Possible Actions of Managers to Prevent Sickness Absence of Employees with Mental Health Problems in the Swedish Private Sector: a Video Vignette StudyJ Occup Rehabil (2024).

Ellbin S, Lindegård A, Jonsdottir H Ingibjörg, Dahlborg E.  Psychologists’ involvement in and experiences of treating patients with stress-related exhaustion in primary care. BMC Primary Care (2024) 25:56
Svensk sammanfattning

Härenstam, A, Björk, L, Corin, L (2024).Trust chains in public sector organizations and their significance for work unit performance and employee turnover intentionInternational Public Management  Journal. DOI: 10.1080/10967494.2024.2322142 Svensk sammanfattning

Härenstam, A., Berntson, E., Björk, L., Corin, L., Fältén, R., & Bujacz, A. (2024). Measuring Trust in Public Sector Organizations – Research Note. Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 9(1): 4, 1–9. DOI : Svensk Sammanfattning

Björkelund C, Petersson EL, Svenningsson I, Saxvik A, Wiegner L, Hensing G, Jonsdottir IH, Larsson M, Wikberg C, Ariai N, Nejati S, Hange D. Effects of adding early cooperation and a work-place dialogue meeting to primary care management for sick-listed patients with stress-related disorders: CO-WORK-CARE-Stress - a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial. Scand J Prim Health Care. 2024 Mar 31:1-15. doi: 10.1080/02813432.2024.2329212. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38555865.

Hadžibajramović E, Schaufeli W, De Witte H (2024) The ultra-short version of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT4)–development, validation, and measurement invariance across countries, age and gender.  PLOS ONE 19(2): e0297843., Svensk sammanfattning

Akerstrom, M., Severin, J., Miech, E.J. et al. Reducing sickness absence among public-sector healthcare employees: the difference-making roles of managerial and employee participation. Int Arch Occup Environ Health (2024)., Svensk sammanfattning

Alexiou E, Wijk H, Åkerström M, Jonsdottir IH et al. Worry perception and its association with work conditions among healthcare workers during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: a web-based multimethod survey at a university hospital in SwedenBMJ Open 2024;14:e080248. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-080248 Svensk sammanfattning

Lindegård A, Grimby-Ekman A,Wahlström J,Gustafsson E,
Can biofeedback training in combination with ergonomic information reduce pain among young adult computer users with neck and upper extremity symptoms? - A randomized controlled intervention study,
Applied Ergonomics, Volume 114, 2024, Svensk sammanfattning


Dahlqvist, I., Ståhl, C., Severin, J. et al. Shifting from an individual to an organizational perspective in work environment management – a process evaluation of a six-year intervention program within the Swedish public sector. BMC Public Health 23, 1108 Svensk sammanfattning

Alsén S, Hadžibajramović E, Jonsdottir IH, Ali L, Fors A. Effectiveness of a person-centred eHealth intervention in reducing symptoms of burnout in patients with common mental disorders - secondary outcome analysis of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Prim Care.

Reinhardt, P., Ellbin, S., Carlander, A., Hadzibajramovic, E., Jonsdottir, I. H., & Lindqvist Bagge, A. (2023). Is the road to burnout paved with perfectionism? The prevalence of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder in a clinical longitudinal sample of female patients with stress-related exhaustion. Journal of Clinical Psychology  Svensk sammanfatting

Gillberg N, Ahlstrom L, Erichsen Andersson A, Fallman SL, Degl’Innocenti A, Jonsdottir IH, Wijk H and Wikström E (2023). Resilience capability and capacity in unexpected crises - Experiences and lessons learned in a healthcare organization during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Nursing Management Svensk sammanfattning 

Beno, A., Bertilsson, M., Holmgren, K., Glise, K., Pousette, A., Segerfelt, K., & Björk, L. (2023). Does employer involvement in primary health care enhance return to work for patients with stress-related mental disorders? a cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Primary Care

Bjorkelund C, Saxvik A, Svenningsson I, Pettersson E-L, Wiegner L, Larsson M, Törnbom K, Wikberg C, Ariai N, Nejati S, Hensing G, Hange D. Rehabilitation cooperation and person-centred dialogue meeting for patients sick-listed for common mental disorders: 12 months follow-up of sick leave days, symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress and work ability – a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial from the CO-WORK-CARE project. BMJ Open General practice / Family practice

Cobaleda-Cordero, A., Karlsson, M., & Babapour Chafi, M. (2023). Design for user experience of control with flexible office environments-explorative user tests with prototypes. International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics

Malin Veje, Karolina Linden, Verena Sengpiel, Ylva Carlsson, Ingibjörg H. Jonsdottir, Alessio Degl’Innocenti, Linda Ahlstrom, Helle Wijk samt Magnus Åkerström. (2023)
Working conditions for healthcare workers at a Swedish university hospital infectious disease department during the COVID-19 pandemic – Barriers and facilitators to maintaining employee wellbeing
Frontiers in psychology
Svensk sammanfattning:
COVID-19 pandemins påverkan på infektionsvårdens medarbetare

Robin Jonsson, Kerstin Nilsson, Lisa Björk, Agneta Lindegård (2023)
Engaging the missing actor: lessons learned from an age-management intervention targeting line managers and their HR partners
Journal of workplace learning.
Svensk sammanfattning:
Engagera den "saknade" länken - lärdomar från en intervention med syfte att behålla äldre medarbetare i hälso- och sjukvården

Horne, I. M. T., Veggeland, F., Bååthe, F., Drewes, C., & Rø, K. I. (2023). Understanding peer support: a qualitative interview study of doctors one year after seeking support.
Publicerad i BMC Health Services Research. 2023

Akerstrom, M, Sengpiel, V, Hadžibajramović, E, et al. (2023)
The COPE Staff study: Study description and initial report regarding job satisfaction, work-life conflicts, stress, and burnout among Swedish maternal and neonatal healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Publicerad i Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2023
Svensk sammanfattning: 
Konsekvenser för hälsan av ökad arbetsbelastning under Covid-19

Forooraghi M, Miedema E, Ryd N, Wallbaum H, Babapour Chafi M (2023) Relationship between the design characteristics of activity-based flexible offices and users’ perceptions of privacy and social interactions
Publicerad i Building Research & Information

Björk,L., Corin,L., Åkerström, M., Jonsdottir, IH., Innocenti, AD., Wijk, H., Ahlström,L. (2023)
Under pressure – The working situation of Swedish healthcare managers during the first wave of COVID-19
Publicerad i Frontiers in Psychology, 13:1052382
Svensk sammanfattning: Covid-19 pandemins påverkan på chefers arbetsmiljö inom vården


Bååthe, F., von Knorring, M., & Isaksson-Rø, K. (2022).
How hospital top managers reason about the central leadership task of balancing quality of patient care, economy and professionals’ engagement: an interview study.
Publicerad i Leadership in Health Services, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print). 

Montgomery A, Lainidi O, Johnson J, Creese J, Baathe F, Baban A, Bhattacharjee A, Carter M, Dellve L, Doherty E, Jendeby MK, Morgan K, Srivastava M, Thompson N, Tyssen T, Vohra V.  (2022)
Employee silence in healthcare: charting new avenues for leadership and management. 
Publicerad i Health Care Management Review 

Hagqvist, E., Ekberg, K., Lidwall, U., Nyberg, A., Landstad, B. J., Wilczek, A., Bååthe, F., Sjöström, M. (2022).
The Swedish HealthPhys Study: Study Description and Prevalence of Clinical Burnout and Major Depression among Physicians. Chronic Stress, 6
Publicerad i Sage Journals

Jacobsson, M., Härgestam, M., Bååthe, F., & Hagqvist, E. (2022). Organizational logics in time of crises: How physicians narrate the healthcare response to the Covid-19 pandemic in Swedish hospitals.
Publicerad i BMC Health Services Research 22(1), 1-14.

Bringedal, B. H., Rø, K. I., Bååthe, F., Miljeteig, I., & Magelssen, M. (2022). Guidelines and clinical priority setting during the COVID-19 pandemic–Norwegian doctors’ experiences.
Publicerad i BMC Health Services Reserch, 22 (1), 1-9.

Isaksson Rø, K., Magelssen, M., Bååthe, F., Miljeteig, I., & Bringedal, B. (2022).
Duty to treat and perceived risk of contagion during the COVID-19 pandemic: Norwegian physicians’ perspectives and experiences—a questionnaire survey.
Publicerad i BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 

Deilkås, E. T., Rosta, J., Baathe, F., Søfteland, E., Lexberg, Å. S., Røise, O., & Rø, K. I. (2022).
Physician participation in quality improvement work- interest and opportunity: a cross-sectional survey.
Publicerad i BMC Primary Care, 23(1), 267.

Holmström, P., Björk-Eriksson, T., Davidsen, P., Bååthe, F., & Olsson, C. (2022).
Insights gained from a re-analysis of five improvement cases in healthcare integrating system dynamics into action research. International Journal of Health Policy and Management.
Publicerad i International Journal of Health Policy and Management

Sandberg JV, Hansson C, Göteson A, Joas E, Jakobsson J, Pålsson E, Landén M.
Proteins associated with future suicide attempts in bipolar disorder: A large-scale biomarker discovery study.
Publicerad i Mol Psychiatry. 2022 Jun 13.

Hansson C, Zetterberg H, Snellman A, Blennow K, Jonsdottir IH. (2022)
Biomarkers of brain injury in patients with stress-related exhaustion: A longitudinal study
Publicerad i Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2022 Sep 17;146:105929. 
Svensk sammanfattning: Förhöjda nivåer av hjärnskademarkörer vid UMS

Svenningsson, I., Björkelund, C., Hange, D., Wiegner, L., Ariai, N., Petersson, E-L. (2022)
Symptom patterns in patients newly sick listed for common mental disorders and associations with work-related and socioeconomic factors: a cross-sectional study in Swedish primary care
Publicerad i BMJ. 2022 12:7, 
Svensk sammanfattning: Symptommönster vid psykisk ohälsa

Hadžibajramović, E., Hansson, M., Akerstrom, M., Dencker, A., & Hensing G. (2022)
Burnout among midwives—the factorial structure of the burnout assessment tool and an assessment of burnout levels in a Swedish national sample
Publicerad i: BMC Health Services Research, 22:1167

Eklöf, B., Larsson, H., Ellbin, S., Jonsdottir, I. H., O'Dwyer, S., & Hansson, C. (2022).
The role of self-reported stressors in recovery from Exhaustion Disorder: a longitudinal study.
Publicerad i:BMC psychiatry, 22(1), 529.
Svensk sammanfattning: Stressfaktorers betydelse vid långvariga symptom på UMS 

Simrén J, Andreasson U, Gobom J, Calvet MS, Borroni B, Gillberg C, Nyberg L, Fernell E, Depypere H, Hansson C, Jonsdottir IH, Zetterberg H, Blennow K.
Establishment of reference values for plasma neurofilament light based on 1724 healthy subjects aged 5-90 years.
Publicerad i: Brain Commun. 2022 Jul 4;4.

Lindegård A, Glise K, Wiegner L, Reinhardt P, Hadzibajramovic E, Ellbin S, Pettersson S, Jonsdottir I. Effects of additional individually tailored interventions on sick-leave and symptoms in patients with exhaustion disorder – A randomized controlled trial.
Publicerad i: J Rehabil Med. 2022;54
Svensk sammanfattning: Individuellt anpassad behandling av utmattning

Åkerström M, Carlsson Y, Sengpiel V, Veje M, Elfvin A, Jonsdottir IH, DeglÍnnocenti A, Ahlström L, Wijk H och Linden K. 
Working conditions for hospital-based maternity and neonatal health care workers during extraordinary situations – A pre-/post COVID-19 pandemic analysis and lessons learned
Publicerad i: Sexual & Reproductive Healtcare, 2022
Svensk sammanfattning: Arbetsmiljön under Covid 19 för de som arbetar med gravida, födande och nyfödda

Wådell M, Örtqvist A, Linden K, Akerstrom M, Andersson O, Carlsson Y, Graner S, Jonsson M, Naurin E, Sengpiel V, Veje M, Wessberg A & Zaigham M
Challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic on the Obstetrics and Gynecology residency program: a mixed-methods Swedish survey in the COPE Staff cohort study
Publicerat i: BMC Medical Education, 2022
Svensk sammanfattning: Covid-19-pandemins påverkan på ST-utbildningen i obstetrik och gynekologi

Ståhl C och Norvell Gustavsson I, Linköpings universitet, Jonsdottir IH och Åkerström M, Institutet för stressmedicin
Multilevel, risk group-oriented strategies to decrease sickness absence in the public sector: evaluation of interventions in two regions in Sweden | SpringerLink
Publicerad i: International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2022
Svensk sammanfattning: Insatser på flera nivåer för sänkt sjukfrånvaro

Cederberg M, Alsén S, Ali L, Ekman I, Glise K, Jonsdottir I, Gyllensten H, Swedberg K, Fors A
Effects of a Person-Centered eHealth Intervention for Patients on Sick Leave Due to Common Mental Disorders (PROMISE Study): Open Randomized Controlled Trial
Publicerad i: JMIR Mental Health, 2022
Svensk sammanfattning: Personcentrerad e-hälsa vid psykisk ohälsa - en interventionsstudie

Lennartsson AK, Arvidson, E, Börjesson, M, Jonsdottir, IH
DHEA-S production capacity in relation to perceived prolonged stress
Publicerad i: Stress, 2022

Hadžibajramović E, Schaufeli W, De Witte H.
Shortening of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT)—from 23 to 12 items using content and Rasch analysis
Publicerad i: BMC Public Health, 2022
Svensk sammanfattning - Förkortad version av Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT)

Severin J, Svensson M, Akerstrom M.
Cost–Benefit Evaluation of an Organizational-Level Intervention Program for Decreasing Sickness Absence among Public Sector Employees in Sweden
Publicerad i: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
Svensk sammanfattning – Lönar sig arbetsmiljöinsatser på organisatorisk nivå?

Wikström E, Severin J, Jonsdottir I.H and Akerstrom M.
Process facilitators shifting between the support and expert roles in a complex work environment intervention in the Swedish healthcare sector
Publicerad i: Journal of Health Organization and Management, 2022
Svensk sammanfattning – Modell för processtöd

Babapour M, Hultberg A, Bosic N.
Post-Pandemic Office Work- Perceived Challenges and Opportunities for a Sustainable Work Environment
Publicerad i: Sustainability, 2022 
Svensk sammanfattning - Kontorsarbete efter pandemin


Äldre publikationer


  1. Ellbin S, Jonsdottir IH and Bååthe F.
    "Who I Am Now, Is More Me." An Interview Study of Patients' Reflections 10 Years After Exhaustion Disorder
    Publicerad i: Frontiers of Psychiatry, 2021
    Svensk sammanfattning - Utmattningssyndrom och patienters reflektioner 10 år senare
  2. Wollter Bergman M, Berlin C., Babapour Chafi M, Falck A.-C and Örtengren R.
    Cognitive Ergonomics of Assembly Work from a Job Demands–Resources Perspective: Three Qualitative Case Studies
    Publicerad i: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
  3. Babapour Chafi M, Cobaleda-Cordero A.
    Methods for eliciting user experience insights in workplace studies: spatial walkthroughs, experience curve mapping and card sorting
    Publicerad i: Journal of corporate real estate, 2021
  4. Melina Forooraghi, Antonio Cobaleda-Cordero and Maral Babapour Chafi
    A healthy office and healthy employees: a longitudinal case study with a salutogenic perspective in the context of the physical office environment
    Publicerad i: Building Research & Information, 2021
  5. Berlin, C, Bligård L-O, Babapour Chafi M and Eriksson S.
    Development of a stakeholder identification and analysis method for human factors integration in work system design interventions – Change Agent Infrastructure
    Publicerad i: Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 2021
  6. Alexiou E, Steingrimsson S, Akerstrom M, Jonsdottir IH, Ahlstrom L, Finizia C, Wijk H and Degl’Innocenti A 
    A Survey of Psychiatric Healthcare Workers’ Perception of Working Environment and Possibility to Recover Before and After the First Wave of COVID-19 in Sweden
    Publicerad i: Frontiers of Psychiatry, 2021
    Svensk sammanfattning - Arbetsmiljön inom psykiatrin under covid-19-pandemin
  7. Jonsdottir IH, Degl’ Innocenti A, Ahlstrom L, Finitzia C, Wijk H and Akerstrom M.
    A pre/post analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on psychosocial work environment and recovery among hospital staff in a large university hospital in Sweden
    Publicerad i: Journal of Public Health Research, 2021
    Svensk sammanfattning - Covid-19-pandemins påverkan på vårdens arbetsmiljö
  8. Bergenheim A, Ahlborg G Jr, Bernhardsson, S.
    Nature-Based Rehabilitation for Patients with Long-Standing Stress-Related Mental Disorders: A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis of Patients’ Experiences
    Publicerad i: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
    Svensk sammanfattning  - Patienters upplevelser av naturbaserad rehabilitering
  9. Beno A, Hensing G, Lindegård A, Jonsdottir IH.
    Self-reported changes in work situation - a cross-sectional study of patients 7 years after treatment for stress-related exhaustion
    Publicerad i: BMC Public Health, 2021
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Förändringar i arbetslivet efter behandling
  10. Gulin S, Ellbin S, Jonsdottir IH, Lindqvist Bagge AS.
    Is obsessive-compulsive personality disorder related to stress-related exhaustion?
    Publicerad i: Brain and Behavior, 2021
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Personlighetsdrag och utmattningssyndrom
  11. Ellbin S, Jonsdottir I.H, Eckerström C, Eckerström M.
    Selfreported cognitive impairment and daily life functioning 712 years after seeking care for stress-related exhaustion
    Publicerad i: Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2021
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Kognitiva besvär, en långtidsuppföljning vid UMS
  12. Corin, L, Pousette, A, Berglund, T, Dellve, L, Hensing, G and Björk, L. 
    Occupational trajectories of working conditions in Sweden: Development trends in the Swedish workforce, 1997–2015
    Publicerad i: Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 2021
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Arbetsförhållanden och utvecklingstrender i Sverige
  13. Björk L, Glise K, Pousette A, Holmgren K, Bertilsson M.
    Implementing employer involvement for patients with stress-related disorders in Swedish primary care – a process evaluation
    Publicerad i: Journal of Family Medicine & Community Health, 2021
  14. Åkerström M, Severin J, Imberg H, Jonsdottir I.H, Björk L, Corin L
    Methodological approach for measuring the effects of organisational-level interventions on employee withdrawal behaviour
    Publicerad i: International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2021
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Metodik för att utvärdera effekten av arbetsmiljöinsatser på organisatorisk nivå
  15. Liff R & Wikström E
    Rumours and gossip demand continuous action by managers in daily working life, Culture and Organization
    Publicerad i: Culture and organization, 2021
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Rykten och skvaller kräver ett nära ledarskap
  16. Åkerström M, Corin L, Severin J, Jonsdottir I.H. Björk L
    Can Working Conditions and Employees’ Mental Health Be Improved via Job Stress Interventions Designed and Implemented by Line Managers and Human Resources on an Operational Level?
    Publicerad i: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Arbetsmiljöinsatser designade av första linjens chefer
  17. Severin J, Björk L, Corin L, Jonsdottir I.H. Åkerström M
    Process Evaluation of an Operational-Level Job Stress Intervention Aimed at Decreasing Sickness Absence among Public Sector Employees in Sweden
    Publicerad i: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Arbetsmiljöinsatser designade av första linjens chefer


  1. Rosta J, Bååthe F, G Aasland O, Isaksson Rø K
    Changes in work stress among doctors in Norway from 2010 to 2019: a study based on repeated surveys
    Publicerad i: BMJ Open
  2. Holmström P, Hallberg S, Björk-Eriksson T, Lindberg J, Olsson C, Bååthe F, Davidsen P
    Insights gained from a systematic reanalysis of a successful model‐facilitated change process in health care
    Publicerad i: Wiley Online Library, 2020
  3. Söderberg, M. ., Andersson, E. M. ., Björk, L. ., & Wastensson, G. . 
    Study Demands, Social Support and Mental Health in Teacher Education Students: A Cross-Sectional Study
    Publicerad i: Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2020
  4. Cederberg M, Ali L, Ekman I, Glise K, Jonsdottir I.H, Gyllensten H, Swedberg K, Fors A.
    Person-centred eHealth intervention for patients on sick leave due to common mental disorders: study protocol of a randomised controlled trial and process evaluation (PROMISE)
    Publicerad i: BMJ Open, 2020 
    Sammanfattning på svenska: Personcentrerad e-hälsa vid psykisk ohälsa - studieprotokoll
  5. Arvidson E, Dahlman AS, Börjesson M, Gullstrand L, Jonsdottir IH.
    The effects of exercise training on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis reactivity and autonomic response to acute stress-a randomized controlled study 
    Publicerad i: BMC Trials, 2020
  6. Håkansson, C., Gard, G. & Lindegård, A.
    Perceived work stress, overcommitment, balance in everyday life, individual factors, self-rated health and work ability among women and men in the public sector in Sweden – a longitudinal study
    Publicerad i: Archives of Public Health, 2020
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Arbetsförmåga och arbetsrelaterad stress
  7. Rosta, J., Bååthe, F., Aasland, O. G., & Isaksson Rø, K. 
    Changes in work stress among doctors in Norway from 2010 to 2019: a study based on repeated surveys
    Publicerad i: BMJ Open, 2020
  8. Holmström, P., Hallberg, S., Björk‐Eriksson, T., Lindberg, J., Olsson, C., Bååthe, F., & Davidsen, P.
    Insights gained from a systematic reanalysis of a successful model‐facilitated change process in health care
    Publicerad i: Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 2020
  9. Hadžibajramović E, Shaufeli W, De Witte H
    A Rasch analysis of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT)
    Publicerad i: PLOS ONE, 2020
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Validering av Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT)
  10. Arvidsson I, Gremark Simonsen J, Lindegård-Andersson A, Björk J, Nordander C
    The impact of occupational and personal factors on musculoskeletal pain - a cohort study of female nurses, sonographers and teachers
    Publicerad i: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2020
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Ergonomiska och psykosociala faktorer i arbetet
  11. Skau S, Jonsdottir IH, Sjörs Dahlman A, Johansson B, Kuhn HG.
    Exhaustion disorder and altered brain activity in frontal cortex detected with fNIRS
    Publicerad i: Stress, 2020 
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Kognitiv funktion och hjärnaktivitet
  12. Åkerström M, Severin J
    Organisatoriska problem löses inte med hjälp av individåtgärder. En analys av åtgärder för att förbättra arbetsmiljön och sänka sjukfrånvaron i en svensk region
    Publicerad i: Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, 2020
  13. Glise K, Wiegner L, Jonsdottir I.H.
    Long-Term follow-up of residual symptom in patients treated for stress-related exhaustion
    Publicerad i: BMC Psychology, 2020
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Kvarvarande symptom och klinisk utmattning
  14. Jonsson R, Lindegård A, Björk L, Nilsson K.
    Organizational hindrances to the retention of Older Healthcare workers
    Publicerad i: Nordic Journal of Working Life, 2020
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Äldre arbetskraft behövs i vården
  15. Sörbo, A, Eiving I, Theodorsson E, Rydenhag B, Jonsdottir I.H.
    Pre‐traumatic conditions can influence cortisol levels before and after a brain injury
    Publicerad i: Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 2020
  16. Gerber M, Börjesson M, Jonsdottir I.H. Lindwall M. 
    Association of change in physical activity and sleep complaints: Results from a 6-year longitudinal study with Swedish health care workers 
    Publicerad i: Sleep Medicine, 2020 


  1. Björk L, Stengård J, Söderberg M, Andersson E, Wastensson G
    Beginning teachers' work satisfaction, self-efficacy and willingness to stay in the profession: a question of job demands-resources balance?
    Publicerad i: Teachers and Teaching, 2019
  2. Lindegård A, Wastensson G, Hadzibajramovic E, Grimby-Ekman A
    Longitudinal associations between cardiorespiratory fitness and stress-related exhaustion, depression, anxiety and sleep disturbances
    Publicerad i: BMC Public Health, 2019
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Fysisk kondition och stressrelaterad utmattning
  3. Van Ettinger-Veenstra H, Lundberg P, Alföldi P, Södermark M, Graven-Nielsen T, Sjörs A, Engström M, Gerdle B.
    Chronic widespread pain patients show disrupted cortical connectivity in default mode and salience networks, modulated by pain sensitivity
    Publicerad i: Journal of Pain Research, 2019
  4. Cregård A och Corin L. 
    Public sector managers: the decision to leave or remain in a job
    Publicerad i: Human Resource Development International, 2019
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Chef i offentlig sektor: att lämna eller stanna kvar
  5. Sjörs A, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Glise K, Jonsdottir IH.
    Growth factors and neurotrophins in patients with stress-related exhaustion disorder
    Publicerad i: Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2019
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Låga nivåer av nervtillväxtfaktorer
  6. Berthelsen H, Westerlund H, Pejtersen J H, Hadzibajramovic E.
    Construct validity of a global scale for social capital based on COPSOQ III
    Publicerad i: PLoS ONE, 2019
  7. Hadzibajramovic E, Ahlborg Jr G, Grimby-Ekman A.
    Concurrent and lagged effects of psychosocial job stressors on symptoms of burnout
    Publicerad i: International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2019 
  8. Holmgren K, Hensing G, Bültmann U, Hadzibajramovic E, Niklasson Larsson M.
    Does early identification of work-related stress, combined with feedback at GP-consultation, prevents sick leave the following 12 months? A randomized controlled trial in Primary Health Care
    Publicerad i: BMC Public Health, 2019 
  9. Wiegner L, Hange D, Svenningson I, Björkelund C, Peterson E-L
    Newly educated care managers’ experiences of providing care for persons with stress-related mental disorders in the clinical primary care context 
    Publicerad i: PLoS ONE, 2019
  10. Babapour Chafi, M, Harder M, Bodin Danielsson, C
    Workspace preferences and non-preferences in Activity-based Flexible Offices: Two case studies
    Publicerad i: Applied Ergonomics, 2019
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Preferenser i aktivitetsbaserad arbetsmiljö
  11. Bååthe F, Rosta J, Bringedal B, Isaksson Rø
    How do doctors experience the interactions among professional fulfillment, organisational factors and quality of patient care? 
    Publicerad i: BMJ Open, 2019
  12. Jonsdottir I.H, Dahlman A.S
    Endocrine and immunological aspects of burnout: a narrative review
    Publicerad i: European Journal of Endocrinology, 2019
    Svensk sammanfattning - Hormoner och immunfunktion vid burnout /utmattningssyndrom


  1. Arvidsson E, Dahlman A.S, Börjesson M, Gullstrand L, Jonsdottir I.H
    Exercise training and physiological responses to acute stress: study protocol and methodological considerations of a randomised controlled trial
    Publicerad i: BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 2018
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Fysisk träning och stressfysiologiska reaktioner
  2. Bertilsson M, Maeland S, Löve J, Ahlborg Jr G, Werner L.E, Hensing G
    The capacity to work puzzle: a qualitative study of physicians’ assessments for patients with common mental disorders 
    Publicerad i: BMC Family Practice, 2018
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Bedömning av arbetsförmåga och sjukskrivning hos patienter med depressions- och ångestsjukdom
  3. Björk L, Glise K, Pousette A, Bertilsson M, Holmgren K
    Involving the employer to enhance return to work among patients with stress-related mental disorders – study protocol of a cluster randomized controlled trial in Swedish primary health care
    Publicerad i: BMC Public Health, 2018
    Sammanfattning på svenska - PRIMA-protokollet
  4. Hadrévi J, Jonsdottir I.H.,Jansson P, Eriksson J.W, Sjörs A
    Plasma metabolomic patterns in patients with exhaustion disorder
    Publicerad i: Stress - The International Journal on the Biology of Stress, 2018
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Metabola förändringar vid utmattningssyndrom
  5. Brodin E, Hadzibajramovic E, Baghaei F, Sunnerhagen KS, Lundgren-Nilsson Å.
    Self-reported activity of Swedish persons with haemophilia: Change over 2.5 years
    Publicerad i: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicin, 2018
  6. Bejerot E, Lampi, L, Forsberg T, Ahtiainen R, Björk L, Hotulainen R, Parding K, Sehlstedt T, & Wastensson G.
    Nyexaminerade om lärarutbildningen i Sverige och i Finland
    Publicerad i: Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, 2018, nr 3-4, s. 66-84


  1. Nilsson K, Bååthe F, Erichsen-Andersson Andersson, Sandoff M
    Value-based healthcare as a trigger for improvement initiatives
    Publicerad i: Leadership in Health Services, 2017
  2. Bergman C, Löve J, Hultberg A, Skagert K
    Employees´conceptions of coworkership in a Swedish health care organization 
    Publicerad i: Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 2017
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Medarbetarskap inom hälso- och sjukvården
  3. Ellbin S, Engen N, Jonsdottir I.H, Nordlund A
    Assessment of cognitive function in patients with stress-related exhaustion using the Cognitive Assessment Battery (CAB)
    Publicerad i: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 2017
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Enkelt test för screening av kognitiv funktion
  4. Jonsdottir I.H, Nordlund A, Ellbin S, Ljung T, Glise K, Währborg P, Sjörs A.
    Working memory and attention are still impaired after three years in patients with stress-related exhaustion
    Publicerad i: Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2017
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Fortfarande inte kognitivt återställd efter 3 år
  5. Gerber M, Lindwall M, Börjesson M, Hadzibajramovic E, Jonsdottir I.H.
    Low leisure-time physical activity, but not shift-work, is associated with subjective sleep complaints: A two-year prospective study in Swedish hospital employees
    Publicerad i: Mental Health and Physical activity, 2017
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Fysisk aktivitet ger bättre sömn trots skiftarbete
  6. Cregård, A., Corin, L., & Skagert, K
    Voluntary turnover among public sector managers: A review
    Publicerad i: Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, 2017
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Chefsomsättning i offentlig sektor - Vad vet vi egentligen om orsakerna?
  7. Wramsten W M, Dellve L, Ahlborg Jr G, Jacobsson C.
    Swedish Healthcare Managers and the Media – A Study of Strategies and Support During Mass Media Attention
    Publicerad i: Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2017
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Chefers hantering av media
  8. Krabbe, D, Ellbin S, Nilsson M, Jonsdottir IH, Samuelsson H
    Executive function and attention in patients with stress-related exhaustion: perceived fatigue and effect of distraction
    Publicerad i: The International Journal on the Biology of Stress, 2017
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Kognitiv nedsättning undersöks vid störande ljud
  9. Stenfors C, Jonsdottir IH, Magnusson-Hanson L, Theorell T.
    Systemic cytokine levels, cognitive complaints and cognitive function in a population-based sample of working adults
    Publicerad i: Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 2017
    Sammanfattning på svenska - Inflammatoriska markörer
  10. Håkansson C, Ahlborg G Jr.
    Occupational imbalance and the role of perceived stress in predicting stress-related disorders
    Publicerad i: Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2017


  1. Corin L, & Björk, L.
    Job demands and job resources in human service managerial work – An external assessment through work content analysis.
    Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, January 4, 2017.
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  2. Björk, L, & Härenstam, A.
    Differences in organizational preconditions for managers in genderized municipal services.
    Scandinavian Journal of Management, 2016
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  3. Rödjer L, Jonsdottir I.H., Börjesson M.
    Physical activity on prescription (PAP): self-reported physical activity and quality of life in a Swedish primary care population, 2-year follow-up
    Scandinavian journal of primary care, November 2016
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  4. Lindegård, A, Nordander, C, Jacobsson, H, Arvidsson I
    Opting to wear prismatic spectacles was associated with reduced neck pain in dental personnel: a longitudinal cohort study.
    BMC Musculoskeletal disorders, 2016
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  5. Lennartsson, A.-K, Jonsdottir, I & Sjörs, A. 
    Low heart rate variability in patients with clinical burnout.
    International Journal of Psychophysiology, Dec 2016
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  6. Lennartsson A-K, Theorell T, Kushnir M, Jonsdottir IH,
    Changes in DHEA-s levels during the first year of treatment in patients with clinical burnout are related to health development,
    Biological Psychology, aug 2016
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  7. Bergman C, Dellve L and Skagert K,
    Exploring communication processes in workplace meetings: A mixed methods study in a Swedish healthcare organization,
    Work, Juli 2016
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  8. Gerber, Börjesson, Ljung, Lindwall och Jonsdottir,
    Fitness Moderates the Relationship between Stress and Cardiovascular Risk Factors,
    Med Sci Sports Exerc, Juni 2016 
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  9. Bååthe F, Ahlborg G Jr, Edgren L, Lagström A, Nilsson K.
    Uncovering paradoxes from physicians' experiences of patient-centered ward-round.
    Leadership in Health Services, 2016
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  10. Håkansson C och Ahlborg jr G,
    Occupations, perceived stress, and stress-related disorders among women and men in the public sector in Sweden,
    Scand J Occup Therapy, May 2016
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  11. Eklöf M, Ahlborg G Jr.
    Improving communication among healthcare workers: a controlled study.
    Journal of Workplace Learning, 2016
    Sammanfattning på svenska


  1. Grimby G, Börjesson M, Jonsdottir IH, Schnohr P, Thelle DS and Saltin B.
    The "Saltin-Grimby Physical Activity Level Scale" and its application to health research.
    Scand J Med Sci Sports, December 2015
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  2. Lindegård A, Jonsdottir IH, Börjesson M, Lindwall M and Gerber M.
    Changes in mental health in compliers and non-compliers with physical activity recommendations in patients with stress-related exhaustion.
    BMC Psychiatry, November 2015
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  3. Lennartsson A-K, Theorell T, Kushnir M, Jonsdottir I.
    Low Levels of Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate in Younger Burnout Patients.
    PLOS One, Oktober 2015
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  4. Hadzibajramovic E, Ahlborg jr G, Håkansson C, Lundgren-Nilsson Å och Grimby-Ekman A.
    Affective stress responses during leisure time: Validity evaluation of a modified version of the Stress-Energy Questionnaire.
    J Public Health, September 2015
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  5. Lennartsson A-K, Sjörs A, Jonsdottir IH.
    Indication of attenuated DHEA-s response during acute psychosocial stress in patients with clinical burnout
    Journal of Psychosomatic Research, maj 2015
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  6. Fredriksson-Larsson, U., Brink, E., Grankvist, G., Jonsdottir, I.H. and Alsen, P.
    The Single-Item Measure of Stress Symptoms after Myocardial Infarction and Its Association with Fatigue.
    Open Journal of Nursing 2015
  7. Grill C, Ahlborg Jr G, Wikström E, Lindgren EC.
    Multiple balances in workplace dialogue - experiences of an intervention in health care.
    Journal of Workplace Learning, 2015
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  8. Sjörs A, Jonsdottir IH.
    No alterations in diurnal cortisol profiled before and during treatment in patients with stress-related exhaustion
    International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 2015
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  9. Gerber, M., Jonsdottir, I.H., Arvidson E., Lindwall M, Lindegård A.
    Promoting Graded Exercise as a Part of Multimodal Treatment in Patients Diagnosed with Stress-Related Exhaustion
    Journal of clinical nursing, 2015
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  10. Wiegner L, Hange D, Björkelund C och Ahlborg Jr G
    Prevalence of perceived stress and associations to symptoms of exhaustion, depression and anxiety in a working age population seeking primary care - an observational study
    BMC Family Practice, 2015
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  11. Hadzibajramovic E, Ahlborg G Jr, Grimby-Ekman A, Lundgren-Nilsson Å
    Internal construct validity of the stress-energy questionnaire in a working population, a cohort study
    BMC Public Health 2015
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  12. Sahlin E, Ahlborg G Jr, Tenenbaum A, Grahn P
    Using Nature-Based Rehabilitation to restart a stalled process of rehabilitation in individuals with stress-related mental illness
    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2015
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  13. Lennartsson A-K, Sjörs A, Währborg P, Ljung T, Jonsdottir IH
    Burnout and hypocortisolism – a matter of severity? A study on ACTH and cortisol responses to acute psychosocial stress
    Frontiers in Psychiatry, February 2015
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  14. Bertilsson M, Löve J, Ahlborg Jr G, Hensing G
    Health care professional's experience-based understanding of individuals' capacity to work while depressed and anxious
    Scandinavian Journal of Occypational Therapy, Januari 2015
    Sammanfattning på svenska


  1. Lindwall M., Gerber M, Börjeson M, Jonsdottir I.H., Ahlborg Jr G.
    The relationship of change in physical activity with change in depression, anxiety, and burnout: A longitudinal study of Swedish health care workers.
    Health Psychol, Nov 2013 
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  2. Eva Sahlin, Agneta Lindegård, Emina Hadzibajramovic, Patrik Grahn, Josefa Vega Matuszczyk & Gunnar Ahlborg Jr.
    The Influence of the Environment on Directed Attention, Blood Pressure and Heart Rate—An Experimental Study Using a Relaxation Intervention
    Landscape Research, 2014
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  3. Fredrik Baathe, Gunnar Ahlborg Jr, Annica Lagström, Lars Edgren, Kerstin Nilsson.
    Physician experiences of patient-centered and team- based ward rounding – an interview based case-study.
    Journal of Health Administration, 2014
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  4. Lindegård A, Larsman P, Hadzibajramovic E, Ahlborg G Jr.
    The influence of perceived stress and musculoskeletal pain on work performance and work ability in Swedish health care workers.
    Int Arch Occup Environ Health, Maj 2014
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  5. Gerber, M, Jonsdottir I.H, Lindwall M, Ahlborg Jr. G.
    Physical Activity in Employees with Differing Occupational Stress and Mental Health Profiles: A Latent Profile Analysis.
    Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Augusti 2014
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  6. Grill C, Ahlborg Jr, Wikström E.
    Health care managers learning by listening to subordinates' dialogue training.
    Journal of Health Organization and Management, 2014
  7. Sahlin E, Ahlborg G Jr, Vega Matuszczyk J, Grahn P.
    Nature-Based Stress Management Course for Individuals at Risk of Adverse Health Effects from Work-Related Stress—Effects on Stress Related Symptoms, Workability and Sick Leave.
    Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2014
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  8. Bertilsson M, Vaez M, Waern M, Ahlborg G, Hensing G.
    A prospective study on self-assessed mental well-being and work capacity as determinants of all-cause sickness absence.
    Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, Juni 2014
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  9. Sjörs A, Ljung T, Jonsdottir IH.
    Diurnal salivary cortisol in relation to perceived stress at home and at work in healthy men and women.
    Biol. Psychol, April 2014 
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  10. Glise K, Ahlborg G Jr, Jonsdottir IH.
    Prevalence and course of somatic symptoms in patients with stress related exhaustion: Does sex or age matter?
    BMC Psychiatry, 2014
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  11. Lennartsson AK, Billig H, Jonsdottir IH.
    Burnout is associated with elevated prolactin levels in men but not in women.
    Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Maj 2014
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  12. Hasselberg K, Jonsdottir I, Ellbin S and Skagert K,
    Self-reported stressors among patients with Exhaustion Disorder: an exploratory study of patient records,
    BMC Psychiatry, 2014
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  13. Wramsten Wilmar M, Ahlborg G Jr, Jacobsson C, Dellve L.
    Healthcare managers in negative media focus: a qualitative study of personification processes and their personal consequenses.
    BMC Health Serv Res, Januari 2014
    Sammanfattning på svenska


  1. Maeland S, Werner E.L., Rosendal M:, Jonsdottir I.H. Magnussen L.H., Ursin H., Eriksen H.R.
    Sick-leave decisions for patients with severe subjective health complaints presenting in primary care: A cross-sectional study in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. 
  2. Hensing G, Bertilsson M, Ahlborg Jr G, Waern M, Vaez M. 
    Self-assessed mental health problems and work capacity as determinants of return to work: a prospective general population-based study of individuals with all-cause sickness absence.
    BMC Psychiatry, Oktober 2013
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  3. Arvidson, E., Börjesson, M., Ahlborg G., Lindegård A., Jonsdottir I.H.
    The level of leisure time physical activity is associated with work ability- a cross sectional and prospective study of health care workers.
    BMC Public Health, September 2013
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  4. Lennartsson A-K, Theorell T, Rockwood A, Kushnir MM, Jonsdottir IH.
    Perceived stress at work is associated with lower levels of DHEA-S.
    PLoS One, Augusti 2013 
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  5. Gerber M, Jonsdottir, I.H., Kalak N, Pühse U, Holsboer-Trachsler E, Brand S.
    Objectively assessed vigorous physical activity is associated with increased hair cortisol concentrations in young adults.
    Stress, Augusti 2013
  6. Bååthe F, Norbäck LE.
    Engaging physicians in organisational development work.
    Journal of Health Organization and Management, 2013
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  7. Gerber, M, Lindwall M, Lindegård A, Börjesson M. Jonsdottir I.H.
    Cardiorespiratory Fitness Protects Against Stress-Related Symptoms of Burnout and Depression.
    Patient Educ Couns, April 2013 
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  8. Lennartsson A-K, Theorell T, Kushnir MM, Bergquist J, Jonsdottir IH.
    Perceived stress at work is associated with attenuated DHEA-S response during acute psychosocial stress.
    Psychoneuroendocrinology, Februari 2013
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  9. Lundgren Å, Jonsdottir IH, AhlborgGA, Tennant A.
    The internal (factorial) construct validity of the Psychological General Well Being Index (PGWBI) in a sample of patients undergoing treatment for stress-related exhaustion.
    Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 2013
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  10. Sjörs A, Jansson P-A, Eriksson J, Jonsdottir IH.
    Increased insulin secretion and decreased glucose levels, but not allostatic load, are related to stress-related exhaustion in a clinical patient population
    Stress, Januari 2013
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  11. Jonsdottir IH, Nordlund A, Glise K, Ellbin S, Ljung T, Währborg P and Wallin A.
    Cognitive impairment in patients with stress-related exhaustion
    Stress, Mars 2013
    Sammanfattning på svenska


  1. Lindgren Å, Bååthe F, Dellve L.
    Why risk professional fulfilment: a grounded theory of physician engagement in healthcare development.
    International Journal of Health Planning and Management Int J Health Plann Manage, November 2012
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  2. Maeland S, Werner EL, Jonsdottir I.H., Rosendal M, Magnussen L.H, Ursin H and Eriksen HR.
    Diagnoses of patients with severe subjective health complaints in Scandinavia. A cross sectional study. 
  3. Sahlin E, Vega Matuszczyk J, Ahlborg G Jr, Grahn P. 
    How do participants in nature-based therapy experience and evaluate their rehabilitation?
    Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture, 2012
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  4. Rödjer L, Jonsdottir IH, Rosengren A, Björck L, Grimby G, Thelle DS, Lappas G, Börjesson M.
    Self-reported leisure time physical activity: a useful assessment tool in everyday health care.
    BMC Public Health, Augusti 2012
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  5. Sjörs A, Ljung T, Jonsdottir I.H.
    Long-term follow-up of cortisol awakening response in patients treated for stress-related exhaustion.
    BMJ Open, 2012
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  6. Lennartsson A-K, Kushnir MM, Bergquist J, Billig H and Jonsdottir IH.
    Sex steroid levels temporarily increase in response to acute psychosocial stress in healthy men and women.
    International Journal for Psychophysiology, Juni 2012 
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  7. Lindwall M, Hadžibajramović E, Ljung T, Jonsdottir IH.
    Self-reported physical activity, but not aerobic fitness, is related to mental health.
    Mental health and physical activity, 2012 
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  8. Lennartsson A-K, Kushnir MM, Bergquist J, Jonsdottir IH.
    DHEA and DHEA-S response to acute psychosocial stress in healthy men and women
    Biological Psychology, Maj 2012
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  9. Lindegård A, Wahlström J, Hagberg M, Wihelmsson R, Toomingas A Tornqvist E.
    Perceived exertion, comfort and working technique in professional computer users and associations with the incidence of neck and upper extremity symptoms.
    BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, Mars 2012
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  10. Glise K, Ahlborg G Jr and Jonsdottir I.H.
    Course of mental illness in patients with stress-related exhaustion. Does gender and age make a difference?
    BMC Psychiatry, Mars 2012
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  11. Lundgren-Nilsson A, Jonsdottir IH, Pallant J, Ahlborg G Jr.
    Internal construct validity of the Shirom-Melamed Burnout questionnaire (SMBQ).

    BMC Public Health, Januari 2012
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  12. Lindegård A, Gustafsson M, Hansson G-Å.
    Effects of optometric correction including prismatic lenses on head and neck kinematics, perceived exertion and comfort during dental work in the oral cavity – A randomised controlled intervention.
    Applied Ergonomics, Januari 2012 
    Sammanfattning på svenska


  1. Skagert K, Dellve L and Ahlborg G Jr.
    A prospective study of managers' turnover and health in a healthcare organization.
    Journal of Nursing Management, December 2011
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  2. Sjörs A, Larsson B, Persson A, Gerdle B.
    An increased response to experimental muscle pain is related to psychological status in women with chronic non-traumatic neck-shoulder pain.
    BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2011
  3. Gustafsson E, Johnson P, Lindegård A, Hagberg M.
    Technique, muscle activity and kinematic differences in young adults texting on mobile phones.
    Ergonomics, Maj 2011
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  4. Dellve L, Hadzibajramovic E, Ahlborg G Jr.
    Work attendance among health care workers: prevalence, incentives and consequences for health and performance.
    J Adv Nurs, September 2011
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  5. Grill C, Ahlborg G, Lindgren EC. Valuation and handling of dialogue in leadership.
    A grounded theory study in Swedish hospitals.
    J Health Organization and Management, 2011
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  6. Lennartsson A-K and Jonsdottir IH.
    Prolactin response to acute pshychosocial stress in healthy men and women.
    Psychoneuroendocrinology, November 2011
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  7. Jonsdottir I.H, Borjesson M, Ahlborg G Jr.
    Healthcare workers' participation in a healthy-lifestyle-promotion project in western Sweden.
    BMC Public Health, Juni 2011
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  8. Larsman P, Lindegård A, Ahlborg G Jr.
    Longitudinal relations between psychosocial work environment, stress and the development of musculoskeletal pain 2011.
    Stress & Health, Augusti 2011 
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  9. Dellve L, Ahlstrom L, Jonsson A, Sandsjö L, Forsman M, Lindegård A, Ahlstrand C, Kadefors R, Hagberg M.
    Myofeedback training and intensive muscular strength training to decrease pain and improve work ability among female workers on long-term sick leave with neck pain: a randomized controlled trial.
    Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 2011
    Sammanfattning på svenska


  1. Jonsdottir I.H,, Rödjer L., Hadzibajramovic E., Börjesson M., Ahlborg Jr G.
    A prospective study of leisure time physical activity and mental health in Swedish health care workers and social insurance officers.
    Prev Med, November 2010
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  2. Håkansson C, Ahlborg Jr G.
    Perceptions of employment, domestic work, and leisure as predictors of health among women and men.
    J Occup Science, 2010
    Sammamnfattning på svenska
  3. Huis in 't Veld RM, Kosterink SM, Barbe T, Lindegård A, Marecek T, Vollenbroek-Hutten MM.
    Relation between patient satisfaction, compliance and the clinical benefit of a teletreatment application for chronic pain
    J Telemed Telecare, 2010
    Sammanfattning på svenska
  4. Glise K, Hadzibajramovic E, Jonsdottir IH, Ahlborg G Jr.
    Self-reported exhaustion: a possible indicator of reduced work ability and increased risk of sickness absence among human service workers.
    Int Arch Occup Environ Health, Juni 2010
    Sammanfattning på svenska


  1. Jonsdottir IH, Hägg DA, Glise K, Ekman R.
    Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) and growth factors called into question as markers of prolonged psychosocial stress.
    PLoS One, November 2009
    Svensk sammanfattning


  1. Skagert K, Dellve L, Eklöf M, Pousette A, Ahlborg Jr G.
    Leaders´ strategies for dealing with own and their subordinates´ stress in public human service organisations.
    Applied Ergonomics, 2008
  2. Mannerås L, Jonsdottir IH, Holmäng A, Lönn M, Stener-Victorin E.
    Low Frequency Electro-Acupuncture and Physical Exercise Improve Metabolic Disturbances and Modulate Gene Expression in Adipose Tissue in Rats with Dihydrotestosterone-Induced Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
    Endocrinology. 2008 Jul;149(7):3559-68.


Osika W, Friberg P, Wahrborg P.
A new short self-rating questionnaire to assess stress in children. Int J Behav Med. 2007;14(2):108-17

Lindegard A, Karlberg C, Wigaeus Tornqvist E, Toomingas A, Hagberg M.
Concordance between VDU-users' ratings of comfort and perceived exertion with experts'observations of workplace layout and working postures.
Appl Ergon. 2005 May 36(3):319-25.

Hägg U, Johansson ME, Grönros J, Naylor AS, Jonsdottir IH, Bergström G, Svensson P-A, Gan L-M.
Gene expression profile and aortic vessel distensibility in voluntarily exercised spontaneously hypertensive rats, potential role of heat shock proteins.
Physiol Genomics. 2005 Aug 11;22 (3):319-26.

Hägg U, Grönros J, Wickstrom J, Jonsdottir IH, Bergström G, Gan L-M.
Voluntary physical exercise and coronary flow velocity reserve – a transthoracic colour Doppler echocardiography study in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Clin Sci (Lond). 2005 Sep 109(3):325-34.

Manni L, Cajander S, Lundeberg T, Naylor AS, Aloe L, Holmang A, Jonsdottir IH, Stener-Victorin E.
Effect of Exercise on Ovarian Morphology and Expression of Nerve Growth Factor and a1- and b2-Adrenergic Receptors in Rats with Steroid- Induced Polycystic Ovaries. J Neuroendocrinol.
2005 Dec 17(12):846-58.

Naylor AS, Persson AI, Eriksson PS, Jonsdottir IH, Thorlin T.
Extended voluntary running inhibits exercise induced adult hippocampal progenitor proliferation in the spontaneously hypertensive rat.

J Neurophysiol. 2005 May;93(5):2406-14.

Persson AI, Naylor AS, Jonsdottir IH, Nyberg F, Eriksson PS, Thorlin T.
Differential regulation of hippocampal progenitor proliferation by opioid receptor antagonists in running and non-running spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Eur J Neurosci 2004 Apr;19(7):1847-55.

Wahrborg P, Booth JE, Clayton T, Nugara F, Pepper J, Weintraub WS, Sigwart U, Stables RH; SoS Neuropsychology Substudy Investigators.
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