Vetenskapliga originalpublikationer
De flesta av våra publikationer finns med svensk sammanfattning samt länkar till publikationer under respektive forskningsområden, samt i kronologisk ordning nedan.
Agneta Blomberg, Gunnel Hensing, Monica Bertilsson, Emina Hadžibajramović, Using Rasch analysis to assess the latent construct of the Capacity to Work Index in a Swedish working population sample, European Journal of Public Health, 2025;, ckaf001,
Akerstrom M, Wahlström J, Lindegård A, Arvidsson I EM, Fagerlind Ståhl AC. (2025) Organisational-level risk and health-promoting factors within the healthcare sector -a systematic search and review, Frontiers in Medicine. 11:1509023. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2024.1509023
Sammanfattning på svenska
Akerstrom, M., Wessberg, A., Hadžibajramović, E. et al. (2025) Maintaining operability at a high personal cost – a mixed method study on maternal healthcare workers’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, BMC Health Serv Res 25, 173 (2025).
Sammanfattning på svenska
Lennartsson AK, Jonsdottir IH, Jansson PA, Sjörs Dahlman A. Study of glucose homeostasis in burnout cases using an oral glucose tolerance test. Stress. 2025 Dec;28(1):2438699. doi: 10.1080/10253890.2024.2438699. Epub 2024 Dec 17. PMID: 39688015.
Sammanfattning på svenska
Lindegård, A., Ellbin, S., Jonsdottir, I.H. et al. Equitable Care for Patients Diagnosed with Stress-Related Exhaustion in Sweden: A Strategi Standing on Feet of Clay?. J. Psychosoc. Rehabil. Ment. Health (2024).
Sammanfattning på svenska
Björkelund C, Petersson EL, Svenningsson I, Saxvik A, Wiegner L, Hensing G, Jonsdottir IH, Larsson M, Wikberg C, Ariai N, Nejati S, Hange D. Effects of adding early cooperation and a work-place dialogue meeting to primary care management for sick-listed patients with stress-related disorders: CO-WORK-CARE-Stress - a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial. Scand J Prim Health Care. 2024 Mar 31:1-15. doi: 10.1080/02813432.2024.2329212. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38555865.
Akerstrom M, Severin J, Roczniewska M, Jonsdottir IH, Hadzibajramovic E (2024) Examining preventive occupational health and safety management in the Swedish welfare sector–questionnaire development, its validity and reliability, and initial findings on employers’ knowledge. PLoS ONE 19(11): e0311788.
Svensk sammanfattning
Hansson C, Hadžibajramović E, Svensson PA, Jonsdottir IH. Increased plasma levels of neuro-related proteins in patients with stress-related exhaustion: A longitudinal study. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2024 Sep;167:107091. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2024.107091. PMID: 38964018
Svensk sammanfattning
Schuller, S., de Rijk, A., Corin, L. et al. Mental Health Stigma in the Workplace and its Association with Possible Actions of Managers to Prevent Sickness Absence of Employees with Mental Health Problems in the Swedish Private Sector: a Video Vignette Study. J Occup Rehabil (2024).
Ellbin S, Lindegård A, Jonsdottir H Ingibjörg, Dahlborg E. Psychologists’ involvement in and experiences of treating patients with stress-related exhaustion in primary care. BMC Primary Care (2024) 25:56
Svensk sammanfattning
Härenstam, A, Björk, L, Corin, L (2024).Trust chains in public sector organizations and their significance for work unit performance and employee turnover intention. International Public Management Journal. DOI: 10.1080/10967494.2024.2322142 Svensk sammanfattning
Härenstam, A., Berntson, E., Björk, L., Corin, L., Fältén, R., & Bujacz, A. (2024). Measuring Trust in Public Sector Organizations – Research Note. Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 9(1): 4, 1–9. DOI : Svensk Sammanfattning
Björkelund C, Petersson EL, Svenningsson I, Saxvik A, Wiegner L, Hensing G, Jonsdottir IH, Larsson M, Wikberg C, Ariai N, Nejati S, Hange D. Effects of adding early cooperation and a work-place dialogue meeting to primary care management for sick-listed patients with stress-related disorders: CO-WORK-CARE-Stress - a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial. Scand J Prim Health Care. 2024 Mar 31:1-15. doi: 10.1080/02813432.2024.2329212. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38555865.
Hadžibajramović E, Schaufeli W, De Witte H (2024) The ultra-short version of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT4)–development, validation, and measurement invariance across countries, age and gender. PLOS ONE 19(2): e0297843., Svensk sammanfattning
Akerstrom, M., Severin, J., Miech, E.J. et al. Reducing sickness absence among public-sector healthcare employees: the difference-making roles of managerial and employee participation. Int Arch Occup Environ Health (2024)., Svensk sammanfattning
Alexiou E, Wijk H, Åkerström M, Jonsdottir IH et al. Worry perception and its association with work conditions among healthcare workers during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: a web-based multimethod survey at a university hospital in SwedenBMJ Open 2024;14:e080248. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-080248 Svensk sammanfattning
Lindegård A, Grimby-Ekman A,Wahlström J,Gustafsson E,
Can biofeedback training in combination with ergonomic information reduce pain among young adult computer users with neck and upper extremity symptoms? - A randomized controlled intervention study,
Applied Ergonomics, Volume 114, 2024, Svensk sammanfattning
Dahlqvist, I., Ståhl, C., Severin, J. et al. Shifting from an individual to an organizational perspective in work environment management – a process evaluation of a six-year intervention program within the Swedish public sector. BMC Public Health 23, 1108 Svensk sammanfattning
Alsén S, Hadžibajramović E, Jonsdottir IH, Ali L, Fors A. Effectiveness of a person-centred eHealth intervention in reducing symptoms of burnout in patients with common mental disorders - secondary outcome analysis of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Prim Care.
Reinhardt, P., Ellbin, S., Carlander, A., Hadzibajramovic, E., Jonsdottir, I. H., & Lindqvist Bagge, A. (2023). Is the road to burnout paved with perfectionism? The prevalence of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder in a clinical longitudinal sample of female patients with stress-related exhaustion. Journal of Clinical Psychology Svensk sammanfatting
Gillberg N, Ahlstrom L, Erichsen Andersson A, Fallman SL, Degl’Innocenti A, Jonsdottir IH, Wijk H and Wikström E (2023). Resilience capability and capacity in unexpected crises - Experiences and lessons learned in a healthcare organization during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Nursing Management Svensk sammanfattning
Beno, A., Bertilsson, M., Holmgren, K., Glise, K., Pousette, A., Segerfelt, K., & Björk, L. (2023). Does employer involvement in primary health care enhance return to work for patients with stress-related mental disorders? a cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Primary Care
Bjorkelund C, Saxvik A, Svenningsson I, Pettersson E-L, Wiegner L, Larsson M, Törnbom K, Wikberg C, Ariai N, Nejati S, Hensing G, Hange D. Rehabilitation cooperation and person-centred dialogue meeting for patients sick-listed for common mental disorders: 12 months follow-up of sick leave days, symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress and work ability – a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial from the CO-WORK-CARE project. BMJ Open General practice / Family practice
Cobaleda-Cordero, A., Karlsson, M., & Babapour Chafi, M. (2023). Design for user experience of control with flexible office environments-explorative user tests with prototypes. International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics
Malin Veje, Karolina Linden, Verena Sengpiel, Ylva Carlsson, Ingibjörg H. Jonsdottir, Alessio Degl’Innocenti, Linda Ahlstrom, Helle Wijk samt Magnus Åkerström. (2023)
Working conditions for healthcare workers at a Swedish university hospital infectious disease department during the COVID-19 pandemic – Barriers and facilitators to maintaining employee wellbeing
Frontiers in psychology
Svensk sammanfattning: COVID-19 pandemins påverkan på infektionsvårdens medarbetare
Robin Jonsson, Kerstin Nilsson, Lisa Björk, Agneta Lindegård (2023)
Engaging the missing actor: lessons learned from an age-management intervention targeting line managers and their HR partners
Journal of workplace learning.
Svensk sammanfattning: Engagera den "saknade" länken - lärdomar från en intervention med syfte att behålla äldre medarbetare i hälso- och sjukvården
Horne, I. M. T., Veggeland, F., Bååthe, F., Drewes, C., & Rø, K. I. (2023). Understanding peer support: a qualitative interview study of doctors one year after seeking support.
Publicerad i BMC Health Services Research. 2023
Akerstrom, M, Sengpiel, V, Hadžibajramović, E, et al. (2023)
The COPE Staff study: Study description and initial report regarding job satisfaction, work-life conflicts, stress, and burnout among Swedish maternal and neonatal healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Publicerad i Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2023
Svensk sammanfattning: Konsekvenser för hälsan av ökad arbetsbelastning under Covid-19
Forooraghi M, Miedema E, Ryd N, Wallbaum H, Babapour Chafi M (2023) Relationship between the design characteristics of activity-based flexible offices and users’ perceptions of privacy and social interactions
Publicerad i Building Research & Information
Björk,L., Corin,L., Åkerström, M., Jonsdottir, IH., Innocenti, AD., Wijk, H., Ahlström,L. (2023)
Under pressure – The working situation of Swedish healthcare managers during the first wave of COVID-19
Publicerad i Frontiers in Psychology, 13:1052382
Svensk sammanfattning: Covid-19 pandemins påverkan på chefers arbetsmiljö inom vården
Bååthe, F., von Knorring, M., & Isaksson-Rø, K. (2022).
How hospital top managers reason about the central leadership task of balancing quality of patient care, economy and professionals’ engagement: an interview study.
Publicerad i Leadership in Health Services, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
Montgomery A, Lainidi O, Johnson J, Creese J, Baathe F, Baban A, Bhattacharjee A, Carter M, Dellve L, Doherty E, Jendeby MK, Morgan K, Srivastava M, Thompson N, Tyssen T, Vohra V. (2022)
Employee silence in healthcare: charting new avenues for leadership and management.
Publicerad i Health Care Management Review
Hagqvist, E., Ekberg, K., Lidwall, U., Nyberg, A., Landstad, B. J., Wilczek, A., Bååthe, F., Sjöström, M. (2022).
The Swedish HealthPhys Study: Study Description and Prevalence of Clinical Burnout and Major Depression among Physicians. Chronic Stress, 6
Publicerad i Sage Journals
Jacobsson, M., Härgestam, M., Bååthe, F., & Hagqvist, E. (2022). Organizational logics in time of crises: How physicians narrate the healthcare response to the Covid-19 pandemic in Swedish hospitals.
Publicerad i BMC Health Services Research 22(1), 1-14.
Bringedal, B. H., Rø, K. I., Bååthe, F., Miljeteig, I., & Magelssen, M. (2022). Guidelines and clinical priority setting during the COVID-19 pandemic–Norwegian doctors’ experiences.
Publicerad i BMC Health Services Reserch, 22 (1), 1-9.
Isaksson Rø, K., Magelssen, M., Bååthe, F., Miljeteig, I., & Bringedal, B. (2022).
Duty to treat and perceived risk of contagion during the COVID-19 pandemic: Norwegian physicians’ perspectives and experiences—a questionnaire survey.
Publicerad i BMC Health Services Research, 22(1),
Deilkås, E. T., Rosta, J., Baathe, F., Søfteland, E., Lexberg, Å. S., Røise, O., & Rø, K. I. (2022).
Physician participation in quality improvement work- interest and opportunity: a cross-sectional survey.
Publicerad i BMC Primary Care, 23(1), 267.
Holmström, P., Björk-Eriksson, T., Davidsen, P., Bååthe, F., & Olsson, C. (2022).
Insights gained from a re-analysis of five improvement cases in healthcare integrating system dynamics into action research. International Journal of Health Policy and Management.
Publicerad i International Journal of Health Policy and Management
Sandberg JV, Hansson C, Göteson A, Joas E, Jakobsson J, Pålsson E, Landén M.
Proteins associated with future suicide attempts in bipolar disorder: A large-scale biomarker discovery study.
Publicerad i Mol Psychiatry. 2022 Jun 13.
Hansson C, Zetterberg H, Snellman A, Blennow K, Jonsdottir IH. (2022)
Biomarkers of brain injury in patients with stress-related exhaustion: A longitudinal study
Publicerad i Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2022 Sep 17;146:105929.
Svensk sammanfattning: Förhöjda nivåer av hjärnskademarkörer vid UMS
Svenningsson, I., Björkelund, C., Hange, D., Wiegner, L., Ariai, N., Petersson, E-L. (2022)
Symptom patterns in patients newly sick listed for common mental disorders and associations with work-related and socioeconomic factors: a cross-sectional study in Swedish primary care
Publicerad i BMJ. 2022 12:7,
Svensk sammanfattning: Symptommönster vid psykisk ohälsa
Hadžibajramović, E., Hansson, M., Akerstrom, M., Dencker, A., & Hensing G. (2022)
Burnout among midwives—the factorial structure of the burnout assessment tool and an assessment of burnout levels in a Swedish national sample
Publicerad i: BMC Health Services Research, 22:1167
Eklöf, B., Larsson, H., Ellbin, S., Jonsdottir, I. H., O'Dwyer, S., & Hansson, C. (2022).
The role of self-reported stressors in recovery from Exhaustion Disorder: a longitudinal study.
Publicerad i:BMC psychiatry, 22(1), 529.
Svensk sammanfattning: Stressfaktorers betydelse vid långvariga symptom på UMS
Simrén J, Andreasson U, Gobom J, Calvet MS, Borroni B, Gillberg C, Nyberg L, Fernell E, Depypere H, Hansson C, Jonsdottir IH, Zetterberg H, Blennow K.
Establishment of reference values for plasma neurofilament light based on 1724 healthy subjects aged 5-90 years.
Publicerad i: Brain Commun. 2022 Jul 4;4.
Lindegård A, Glise K, Wiegner L, Reinhardt P, Hadzibajramovic E, Ellbin S, Pettersson S, Jonsdottir I. Effects of additional individually tailored interventions on sick-leave and symptoms in patients with exhaustion disorder – A randomized controlled trial.
Publicerad i: J Rehabil Med. 2022;54
Svensk sammanfattning: Individuellt anpassad behandling av utmattning
Åkerström M, Carlsson Y, Sengpiel V, Veje M, Elfvin A, Jonsdottir IH, DeglÍnnocenti A, Ahlström L, Wijk H och Linden K.
Working conditions for hospital-based maternity and neonatal health care workers during extraordinary situations – A pre-/post COVID-19 pandemic analysis and lessons learned
Publicerad i: Sexual & Reproductive Healtcare, 2022
Svensk sammanfattning: Arbetsmiljön under Covid 19 för de som arbetar med gravida, födande och nyfödda
Wådell M, Örtqvist A, Linden K, Akerstrom M, Andersson O, Carlsson Y, Graner S, Jonsson M, Naurin E, Sengpiel V, Veje M, Wessberg A & Zaigham M
Challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic on the Obstetrics and Gynecology residency program: a mixed-methods Swedish survey in the COPE Staff cohort study
Publicerat i: BMC Medical Education, 2022
Svensk sammanfattning: Covid-19-pandemins påverkan på ST-utbildningen i obstetrik och gynekologi
Ståhl C och Norvell Gustavsson I, Linköpings universitet, Jonsdottir IH och Åkerström M, Institutet för stressmedicin
Multilevel, risk group-oriented strategies to decrease sickness absence in the public sector: evaluation of interventions in two regions in Sweden | SpringerLink
Publicerad i: International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2022
Svensk sammanfattning: Insatser på flera nivåer för sänkt sjukfrånvaro
Cederberg M, Alsén S, Ali L, Ekman I, Glise K, Jonsdottir I, Gyllensten H, Swedberg K, Fors A
Effects of a Person-Centered eHealth Intervention for Patients on Sick Leave Due to Common Mental Disorders (PROMISE Study): Open Randomized Controlled Trial
Publicerad i: JMIR Mental Health, 2022
Svensk sammanfattning: Personcentrerad e-hälsa vid psykisk ohälsa - en interventionsstudie
Lennartsson AK, Arvidson, E, Börjesson, M, Jonsdottir, IH
DHEA-S production capacity in relation to perceived prolonged stress
Publicerad i: Stress, 2022
Hadžibajramović E, Schaufeli W, De Witte H.
Shortening of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT)—from 23 to 12 items using content and Rasch analysis
Publicerad i: BMC Public Health, 2022
Svensk sammanfattning - Förkortad version av Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT)
Severin J, Svensson M, Akerstrom M.
Cost–Benefit Evaluation of an Organizational-Level Intervention Program for Decreasing Sickness Absence among Public Sector Employees in Sweden
Publicerad i: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
Svensk sammanfattning – Lönar sig arbetsmiljöinsatser på organisatorisk nivå?
Wikström E, Severin J, Jonsdottir I.H and Akerstrom M.
Process facilitators shifting between the support and expert roles in a complex work environment intervention in the Swedish healthcare sector
Publicerad i: Journal of Health Organization and Management, 2022
Svensk sammanfattning – Modell för processtöd
Babapour M, Hultberg A, Bosic N.
Post-Pandemic Office Work- Perceived Challenges and Opportunities for a Sustainable Work Environment
Publicerad i: Sustainability, 2022
Svensk sammanfattning - Kontorsarbete efter pandemin