Awi Chin (Jakarta, Indonesien)

Villa Martinson oktober 2022

Awi Chin publicerade sin debutroman Yang Tak Kunjung Usai  2020 på The Comma Books and Penerbit KPG. Boken översätts nu till engelska av Zoe McLaughlin till The river flows in you. Han har vunnit flera novelltävlingar och valdes ut som Emerging Writer på Ubud Writer and Reader Festival 2022.

Hans novell Sabur Limbur publicerad av Portside review i Australien med den engelska titeln In the Wake of a Dawn Prayer och hans posei The Piglet´s Lonely Note kommer att finnas med i Charlotte Setijadis bok Memories of Unbelonging: Ethnic Chinese Identity Politics in Post-Suharto Indonesia som kommer att publiceras av Hawai'i University Press 2023. Förutom att skriva arbetar han också som modell och moderator på seminarier och festivaler.

Under sin vistelse planerar Awi Chin att skriva uppföljaren till sin debutroman. Samt knyta an till andra författare från UNESCO Cities of Literature och fördjupa sig i Sveriges kultur och gästfrihet.


Awi Chin published his debut novel Yang Tak Kunjung Usai in 2020 by The Comma Books and Penerbit KPG. Now being translated by Zoe McLaughlin with its English title "The River Flows In You". He also won several short story competition and selected as Emerging Writer at Ubud Writer and Reader Festival 2022. His short story Sabur Limbur published by Portside Review in Australia with English title "In the Wake of a Dawn Prayer" and his poetry "The Piglet's Lonely Note" will be featured in Charlotte Setijadi's book "Memories of Unbelonging: Ethnic Chinese Identity Politics in Post-Suharto Indonesia" published by Hawai'i University Press in 2023. Apart from writing, he's also working as a model as well as speaker for several seminar and festivals.

During his residence, Awi Chin planning to write the sequel of his debut novel. As well as connect with other writers from UNESCO Cities of Literature and immersed himself in Sweden's culture and hospitality.