Här hittar du alla vetenskapliga publikationer där medarbetare från Dart är medförfattare.
Backman, E., Miniscalco, C., & Thunberg, G. (2024). Introducing a self-managed early communication resource for parents - A mixed methods feasibility study of the Swedish "ComAlong online" Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 1–13.
Björquist, E., Persson, S., Buchholz, M., & Molin, M. (2024). ‘Because otherwise she’s not doing her job – if she doesn’t listen’: children’s and parents’ views on participation in the assessment process according to the Swedish Disability Act. European Journal of Social Work, 1–16.
Johnson, E., Swanepoel, N., & Thunberg, G. (2024). Exploring children's preferences for graphic symbols to represent pain‐related words. Paediatric and Neonatal Pain, Paediatric and neonatal pain, 2024-10.
Samuelsson, J., Åsberg Johnels, J., Holmer, E., Palmqvist, L., Heimann, M., Reichenberg, M., … Thunberg, G. (2024). ‘To have a plan’: teachers’ perceptions of working with a literacy instruction combining phonics and comprehension applications for students with intellectual disability and communication difficulties. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 1–11.
Samuelsson, J., Thunberg, G., Åsberg Johnels, J., Palmqvist, L., Heimann, M., Reichenberg, M., … Holmer, E. (2024). The potential impact of literacy intervention on speech sound production in students with intellectual disability and communication difficulties. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, Clinical linguistics& phonetics, 2024.
Wallin, S., Thunberg, G., Hemmingsson, H., & Wilder, J. (2024). Teachers' use of augmented input and responsive strategies in schools for students with intellectual disability: A multiple case study of a communication partner intervention. Autism & Developmental Language Impairments, 9, 23969415241290419.
Backman, E., Åsberg, J., & Thunberg, G. (2023) Parental perceptions of social life before and after attending a parent training program for children with complex communication needs: the ComAlong example, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, DOI: 10.1080/07434618.2023.2262036
Reichenberg, M., Thunberg, G., Holmer, E., Palmqvist, L., Samuelsson, J., Lundälv, M., Mühlenbock, K., & Heimann, M. (2023). Will an app-based reading intervention change how teachers rate their teaching self-efficacy beliefs? A test of social cognitive theory in Swedish special educational settings. Frontiers in Education, 8:1184719. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2023.1184719
Samuelsson, J., Åsberg Johnels, J., Thunberg, G., Palmqvist, L., Heimann, M., Reichenberg, M., & Holmer, E. (2023). The relationship between early literacy skills and speech-sound production in students with intellectual disability and communication difficulties: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, Ahead-of-print(Ahead-of-print), 1-11.
Samuelsson, J., Holmer, E., Johnels, J., Palmqvist, L., Heimann, M., Reichenberg, M., & Thunberg, G. (2023). My point of view: Students with intellectual and communicative disabilities express their views on speech and reading using Talking Mats. British journal of learning disabilities 2023 1-13. DOI: 10.1111/bld.12543.
Thunberg, G., Claesson, B., & Almsenius, E. (2023). Bilden som kommunikativt stöd och mänsklig rättighet. I: M. Simonsson & J. Andersson (red.), Bilder för barn och bilder av barn (s. 83-103). Studentlitteratur.
Wallin, S., Hemmingsson, H., Thunberg, G., & Wilder, J (2023). Turn-taking and communication modes of students and staff in group activities at non-inclusive schools for students with intellectual disability, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, DOI: 10.1080/07434618.2023.2243517
Anna Rensfeldt Flink, Gunilla Thunberg, Anna Nyman, Malin Broberg & Jakob Åsberg Johnels (2022) Augmentative and alternative communication with children with severe/profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: speech language pathologists’ clinical practices and reasoning, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, DOI: 10.1080/17483107.2022.2137252
Wiljén, A., Chaplin, J., Crine, V., Jobe, W., Johnson, E., Karlsson, K., . . . Thunberg, G., Nilsson, S. (2022). The Development of an mHealth Tool for Children With Long-term Illness to Enable Person-Centered Communication: User-Centered Design Approach. JMIR Pediatrics And Parenting, 2022, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, 5(1)
Astell, A.J., Panou, M., Touliou, K. et al. Developing a pragmatic evaluation of ICTs for older adults with cognitive impairment at scale: the IN LIFE experience. Univ Access Inf Soc (2021).
Derbring, S., Barbos Nordström, M., Svenningsson, J-A., Laakso, K., Ekström, A., Ingebrand, E., Samuelsson, C. & Buchholz, M. (2021). Effects of a digital reminiscing intervention on people with dementia and their care-givers and relatives. Ageing and Society, 1-18.
Nilsson, S., Wiljén, A., Bergquist, J., Chaplin, J., Johnson, E., Karlsson, K., Lindroth, T., Schwarz, A., Stenmarker, M., Thunberg, G., Esplana, L., Frid, E., Haglingd, M., Angelica, H., Wille, J., & Öhlén, J. (2021). Evaluating pictorial support in person-centred care for children (PicPecc): a protocol for a crossover design study, BMJ Open 2021;11:e042726. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042726
Rensfeldt Flink, A., Broberg, M., Strid, K., Thunberg, G., & Åsberg Johnels, J. (2022) Following children with severe or profound intellectual and multiple disabilities and their mothers through a communication intervention: single-case mixed-methods findings, International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, DOI: 10.1080/20473869.2022.2031778
Thunberg, G., Johnson, E., Bornman, J., Öhlén, J, & Nilsson, S. (2021). Being heard – Supporting person-centred communication in paediatric care using augmentative and alternative communication as universal design: A position paper, Nurs Inq. 2021 Jun 2:e12426. doi: 10.1111/nin.12426. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34076320.
Thunberg, G., Livingstone, R., Buchholz, M., & Field, D. (2021). Environmental Adaptations. I M .Hadders-Algra (Red), Detection and Early Intervention in Developmental Motor Disorders: From Neuroscience to Participation (1 uppl. ss 228-241). London: Mac Keith Press. ISBN: 9781911612438
Buchholz, M., Holmgren, K., & Ferm, U. (2020). Remote communication for people with disabilities: Support persons’ views on benefits, challenges, and suggestions for technology development. Technology and Disability, 32, 69–80.
Ferm, U., Ekström, A., Larsson, E., & Samuelsson, C. (2020). Tablet computer supported conversation between people with dementia and their carers: technology as interactional focus. Universal Access in the Information Society. Published online: 10 July 2020.
Fäldt, A., Fabian, H., Thunberg, G. & Lucas, S. (2020) “All of a sudden we noticed a difference at home too”: parents’ perception of a parent-focused early communication and AAC intervention for toddlers, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, DOI: 10.1080/07434618.2020.1811757
Fäldt, A., Fabian, H., Dahlberg, A., Thunberg, G., Durbeej, N. and Lucas, S. (2020). Infant‐Toddler Checklist identifies 18‐month‐old children with communication difficulties in the Swedish child health care setting. Acta Paediatrica. Ahead of print.
Hansen, D., Frölund Kristensen, L., Elm Christensen, M., Eriksson. K., & Thunberg, G. (2020). ‘They get the opportunity to say what is important for them’: exploring staff’s early perceptions of the implementation of a new communicative approach to patients with aphasia, Disability and Rehabilitation, ahead of print 1-10. DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2020.1853829
Rensfeldt Flink, A., Åsberg Johnels, J., Broberg, M., & Thunberg, G. (2020). Examining perceptions of a communication course for parents of children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities, International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, DOI: 10.1080/20473869.2020.1721160.
Buchholz, M. (2019). Let’s stay in touch! Remote communication for people with communicative and cognitive disabilities. Brandfactory.
Buchholz, M., Ferm, U., & Holmgren, K. (2019). Digital Communication and Social Media for People with Communicative and Cognitive Disabilities. In C. M. Hayre, D. Muller, & M. Scherer (Eds.), Everyday Technologies in Healthcare (1st ed., p. 19).
Fäldt, A., Fabian, H., Thunberg, G., & Lucas, S. (2019). The study design of ComAlong Toddler: a randomised controlled trial of an early communication intervention. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
Nilsson, S., Holstensson, J., Johansson C., & Thunberg, G. (2019). Children's perceptions of pictures intended to measure anxiety during hospitalization. Journal of Pediatric Nursing: Nursing Care of Children and Families (44) 63 – 73.
Thunberg, G. (2019). Kommunikation - ett grundläggande behov och en mänsklig rättighet. I L. Söderman & M. Nordlund (red), Omsorgsboken - möjligheter och svårigheter vid intellektuell funktionsnedsättning (sid. 59-90). Stockholm: Liber.
Buchholz, M., Ferm, U., & Holmgren, K. (2018). Support persons’ views on remote communication and social media for people with communicative and cognitive disabilities. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1-9. access)
Ferm, U., Nilsson, S., Jenholt Nolbris, M., Linnsand, P., & Jonsson, A. (2018) Impact of a parent’s neurodegenerative disease and care on the daily life of children. I M. Mollaoglu (Red.), Caregiving and Home Care (Sid. 85-103). InTech. ISBN: 978-953-51-3778-8, Publicerad: February 14, 2018.
Thunberg, G., Ferm, U., Blom, Å., Karlsson, M., & Nilsson, S. (2018). Implementation of pictorial support for communication with people who have been forced to flee: Experiences from neonatal care. Journal of Child Health Care. Först publicerad online 26 december
Buchholz, M., Ferm, U., & Holmgren, K. (2017). “That is how I speak nowadays” – experiences of remote communication among persons with communicative and cognitive disabilities. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1-12.
Fyrberg, Å., Horneman, G., Åsberg Johnels, J., Thunberg, G., & Ahlsén, E. (2017). Communication in children and adolescnets after acquired brain injury: an exploratory study. Journal of Rehabilitational Medicine, 49, 572-578. DOI: 10.2340/16501977-2243.
Holmqvist, E., Thunberg, G., & Peny Dahlstrand, M. (2017). Gaze-controlled communication technology for children with severe multiple disabilities: Parents and professionals’ perception of gains, obstacles, and prerequisites. Assistive Technology: From Research to Practice. Published online.
Fyrberg, Å, Strid, K, Ahlsén, E, Thunberg, G. (2017) Everyday communication in adolescents after acquired brain injuries – A comparative study of self-ratings and parent evaluations using the CETI. Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders,8 (1), 44-71. DOI: 10.1558/jircd.30904.
Thalén, L., Heimann Mühlenbock, K., Almkvist, O., Eriksdotter, M., Sundström, E. , Tallberg, I-M. (2017). Do adapted vignettes improve medical decision-making capacity for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease? Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 58, 497-503. DOI: 10.1111/sjop.12401.
Buchholz, M., & Holmqvist, E. (2016). Att kommunicera. I A. Eliasson, H. Lidström & M. Peny-Dahlstrand (Red.), Arbetsterapi för barn och ungdom (sid. 241-255). Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Thunberg, G., Törnhage, C-J., & Nilsson, S. (2016). Evaluating the Impact of AAC Interventions in Reducing Hospitalization-related Stress: Challenges and Possibilities, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 32, 143-150, DOI: 10.3109/07434618.2016.1157703
Wennberg, B., Sjödin, L., Buchholz, M. & Janeslätt, G. (2016). Kognitivt stöd i vardagen. I A. Eliasson, H. Lidström & M. Peny-Dahlstrand (Red.), Arbetsterapi för barn och ungdom (sid. 267-279). Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Bloch, S., Saldert, C. & Ferm U. (2015) Problematic topic transitions in dysarthric conversation. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 17: 373—383.
Ekström, A., Ferm, U., & Samuelsson, C. Digital communication support and Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia, publicerad online Dec 6, 2015, doi:10.1177/1471301215615456
Ferm, U., Bloch, S., & Saldert, C. (2015) Negotiating disagreement in picture symbol supported decision making. Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders, 6, 131-156. ISSN: 2040–5111, E-ISSN: 2040–512x (26 Sid.)
Ferm, U., Claesson, B., Ottesjö, C., & Ericsson, S. (2015). Participation and Enjoyment in Play with a Robot between Children with Cerebral Palsy who use AAC and their Peers. Augmentative and Alternative Communication,
Ferm, U., Jenholt Nolbris, M., Jonsson, A., Linnsand, P., & Nilsson, S. (2015). Hälsa och välbefinnande hos barn och ungdomar som har en förälder med progredierande neurologisk sjukdom. Nationellt kompetenscentrum anhöriga.
T-MASTER – A tool for assessing students’ reading abilities. Studies on automatic assessment of students’ reading ability, Erik Kanebrant, Katarina Heimann Mühlenbock, Sofie Johansson Kokkinakis, Arne Jönsson, Caroline Liberg, Åsa af Geijerstam, Jenny Wiksten Folkeryd, Johan Falkenjack, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2015), Lisbon, Portugal, 2015.
Didaktiskt baserat läsförståelsetest och pedagogiska insatser, Caroline Liberg, Sofie J. Kokkinakis, Katarina H. Mühlenbock, Jenny W. Folkeryd, Åsa af Geijerstam, Arne Jönsson, Johan Falkenjack, Erik Kanebrant, Skriv!Les! 2015, Stavanger, Norge, 2015
A multivariate model for classifying texts’ readability, Katarina Heimann Mühlenbock, Erik Kanebrant, Sofie Johansson Kokkinakis, Caroline Liberg, Åsa af Geijerstam, Jenny Wiksten Folkeryd, Arne Jönsson, Erik Kanebrant, Johan Falkenjack, Proceedings of the 20th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa-2015), Vilnius, Lithuania, 2015.
Thunberg, G. (2015). Kommunikationshjälpmedel. I K-A Bottegaard Naess & A V Karlssen (Red). God kommunikasjon med ASK-brukere, Trondheim: Akademika Forlag.
Thunberg, G., Buchholz, M., & Nilsson, S. (2015). Strategies that assist children with communicative disability during hospital stay: Parents’ perceptions and ideas. Journal of Child Health Care, 19, 1-10.
Thunberg, G., Johansson, M., & Wikholm, J. (2015). Meeting the Communicative Rights of People with Autism — Using Pictorial Supports During Assessment, Intervention and Hospital Care, Autism Spectrum Disorder - Recent Advances, Prof. Michael Fitzgerald (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-2037-7, InTech, Available from:
Vantaa Benjaminsson, M., Thunberg, G., & Nilsson, S. (2015). Using picture and text Schedules to inform children: Effects on distress and pain during needle-related procedures in nitrous oxide sedation. Pain Research and Treatment, vol. 2015, Article ID 478503, 6 pages doi:10.1155/2015/
Studies on automatic assessment of students’ reading ability, Katarina Heimann Mühlenbock, Erik Kanebrant, Sofie Johansson Kokkinakis, Arne Jönsson, Caroline Liberg, Åsa af Geijerstam, Johan Falkenjack, Jenny Wiksten Folkeryd, Proceedings of the Fifth Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC-14), Uppsala, Sweden, 2014.
Saldert, C., Ferm, U., & Bloch, S. (2014). Semantic trouble sources and their repair in conversations affected by Parkinson's disease. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders.
Thunberg, G., & Ferm, U. (2014). Att ge stöd i samtal och tillgodose rätten till kommunikation för barn med kommunikationssvårigheter. I K. Boskovic (Red.), Jag vill! Jag kan! Om personlig assistans för barn (sid. 68-86). Kristianstad: Intressegruppen för Assistansberättigade (IfA).
Thunberg, G., Eberhart, B., Forsberg, J., Nilsson, L., & Nolemo, M. (2014). Tidiga kommunikations- och språkinsatser till förskolebarn inom barnhabilitering. Uppdatering 2014. Föreningen Sveriges habiliteringschefer:
Beskow, J, Alexanderson, S, Stefanov, K, Claesson, B, Derbring, S, Fredriksson, M. (2013). The Tivoli System – A Sign-driven Game for Children with Communicative Disorders. Proceedings of 1st European Symposium on Multimodal Communication.
Buchholz, M., Mattson Müller, I., & Ferm, U. (2013). Text messaging with pictures and speech synthesis for adolescents and adults with cognitive and communicative disabilities – professionals’ views about user satisfaction and participation. Technology and Disability, 25, 87-98
Ferm, U., Ahlsén, E., & Björck-Åkesson, E. (2013). Spontaneous communication with Blissymbolics between a mother and her daughter at home: What do they talk about and how? I N. Norén, C. Samuelsson & C. Plejert (Red.), Aided Communication in Everyday Interaction (sid. 281–313). UK: J&R Press. ISBN 978-1-907826-11-5.
Ferm, U., & Saldert, C. (2013). Disagreements in dental hygienist consultations using Talking Mats: Interaction involving people with Huntington’s disease and their support persons. I N. Norén, C. Samuelsson & C. Plejert (Red.), Aided Communication in Everyday Interaction (sid. 189–238). UK: J&R Press. ISBN 978-1-907826-11-5.
Hallberg, L., Mellgren, E., Hartelius, L., & Ferm, U. (2013). Talking Mats in a discussion group for people with Huntington’s disease. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 8(1), 67–76. DOI:10.3109/17483107.2011.644622
Heimann Mühlenbock Katarina. (2013). I see what you mean. Gothenburg Monographs in Linguistics 34. Göteborg, Sweden: Göteborg University.
Lundälv, M., Derbring, S., Heimann Mühlenbock, K., Brännström, A., Farre, B., Nordberg, L. (2013). Inclusive AAC - Multi-Modal and Multilingual Language Support for All, Proceedings of AAATE 2013, Pedro Encarnação, Luís Azevedo, Gert Jan Gelderblom, Alan Newell, Niels-Erik Mathiassen (Eds.): Assistive Technology Research Series, Volume 33: Assistive Technology: From Research to Practice, pp. 332 - 339, ISBN 978-1-61499-303-2 (print) | 978-1-61499-304-9 (online),, (Best paper award, AAATE 2013)
Thunberg, G (2013). Early Communication Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Recent Advances in Autism Spectrum Disorders - Volume I, Prof. Michael Fitzgerald (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-1021-7, InTech, Available from:
Broberg, M., Ferm, U., & Thunberg, G. (2012). Measuring responsive style in parents who use AAC with their children: Development and evaluation of a new instrument. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 28(4), 243–53. DOI:10.3109/07434618.2012.740686
Ferm, U., Eckerholm Wallfur, P., Gelfgren, E., & Hartelius, L. (2012). Communication between Huntington’s Disease patients, their support persons and the dental hygienist using Talking Mats. In N.E. Tunali (Ed.), Huntington’s Disease - Core Concepts and Current Advances (sid. 532-554). InTech. ISBN 978-953-307-953-0.
Ferm, U., Ahlsén, E., & Björck-Åkesson, E. (2012). Patterns of communicative interaction between a child with severe speech and physical impairments and her caregiver during a mealtime activity. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 37(1), 11-26.
Ferm, U. (2012). Bilder gjorde det lättare att prata – rapport från ett projekt om samtalsmatta. Parkinsonjournalen, 3, 46-47.
Hamilton, A., Ferm, U., Heemskerk, A.W., Twiston-Davies, R., Matheson, K., Simpson, S.A., & Rae, D. (2012). Management of speech, language and communication difficulties in Huntington’s disease. Neurodegenerative Disease Management, 2(1), 67-77.
Holmqvist, E., Buchholz, M. (2012). A Model for Gaze Control Assessments and Evaluation. In Majaranta, P., et al (Eds). Gaze Interaction and Applications of Eye Tracking (pp. 36-47). Hershey: Medical Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global).
Lundälv, M., Derbring, S. (2012). Towards General Cross-Platform CCF Based Multi-Modal Language Support, K. Miesenberger et al. (Eds.): ICCHP 2012, Part II, LNCS 7383, pp. 261-268, ISBN 978-3-642-31533-6, (
Lundälv, M., Derbring, S. (2012). AAC Vocabulary Standardisation and Harmonisation - The CCF and BCI Experiences, K. Miesenberger et al. (Eds.): ICCHP 2012, Part II, LNCS 7383, pp. 303-310, ISBN 978-3-642-31533-6, (
Nilsson, S., Buchholz, M., & Thunberg, G. (2012). Assessing Children’s Anxiety Using the Modified Short State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and Talking Mats: A Pilot Study. Nursing Research and Practice, Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 932570, 7 pages
Saldert, C., Bergman, M., Holstensson, J., Jönsson, S., Nygren, K., Vennman, F. & Ferm, U. (2012). Combining methods in the assessment and analysis of communication in aphasia: Benefits and shortcomings of different approaches. Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders, 3(2), 141–169. DOI:10.1558/jircd.v3i2.141
Thunberg, G., Eberhart, B., Forsberg, J., Nilsson, L., & Nolemo, M. (2012). Tidiga kommunikations- och språkinsatser till förskolebarn inom barnhabilitering. Uppdatering 2012. Föreningen Sveriges habiliteringschefer:
Brouwer, C. E., Day, D., Ferm, U., Hougaard, A.R., Rasmussen, G., & Thunberg, G. (2011). Treating the actions of children as sensible: Investigating structures in interactions between children with disabilities and their parents. Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders, 2, 153-182.
Ferm, U., Andersson, M., Broberg, M., Liljegren, T., & Thunberg, G. (2011). Parents and course leaders’ experiences of the ComAlong augmentative and alternative communication early intervention course. Disability Studies Quarterly: Mediated Communication, 31(4)
Ferm, U., Millgård, M., Nordberg, A., & Åkerberg, A. (2011). Intervention vid dysartri hos barn och ungdomar med cerebral pares – en evidensbaserad kunskapssammanställning: Uppdatering 2011.
Föreningen Sveriges habiliteringschefer:
Heimann Mühlenbock, K., & Lundäl 2000 v, M. (2011): Using lexical and corpus resources for augmenting the AAC-lexicon. Proceedngs of the Second Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies.
Jonsson, A., Kristoffersson, L., Ferm, U., & Thunberg, G. (2011). The ComAlong communication boards: Parents’ use and experiences of aided language stimulation. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 27(2), 103-116.
Lundälv, M., Derbring, S., Nordberg, L., Brännström, A., Farre, B. (2011). Graphic Symbol Support In Open/LibreOffice Shaping Up - Graphic Symbol Server And Inline Symbol Font Display Based On The CCF :
Thunberg, G., Ahlsén, E., & Dahlgren Sandberg, A. (2011). Autism, communication and use of a speech-generating device in different environments – a case study, Journal of Assistive Technologies, Vol. 5 Iss: 4, pp.181 - 198.
Thunberg, G. (2011). Augmentative and Alternative Communication Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders - From Genes to Environment, Tim Williams (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-558-7, InTech, Available from:
Thunberg, G., Blomgren, A., Breivik, R., Eberhart, B., Forsberg, J., Nilsson, H., Nolemo, M. (2011). Tidiga kommunikations- och språkinsatser till förskolebarn inom barnhabilitering.
Föreningen Sveriges habiliteringschefer:
Thunberg, G., Carlstrand, A., Claesson, B., & Rensfeldt Flink, A. (2011). KomIgång - en föräldrakurs om kommunikation och kommunikationsstöd. Kursbok. Habilitering & Hälsa.
Colven, D., Lundälv, M. (2010). The AEGIS Open Source Project – What's in it for AAC?, ISAAC Barcelona 2010 Communicating Worlds.
Ferm, U., Sahlin, A., Sundin, L., & Hartelius, L. (2010). Using Talking Mats to support communication in persons with Huntington’s Disease. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 5, 523-536.
Himmelmann, K., Ferm, U., & Arvidson, J. (2010). Kommunikation. I K. Tedroff & K. Wide (Red.), Regionalt vårdprogram Cerebral pares hos barn och ungdom (sid. 34-36; 67-77). Stockholm: Medicinskt Kunskapscentrum, Stockholms läns landsting.
Lundälv, M. (2010), Concept Coded Graphic Symbol Support in - From Basic Functionality to UI Refinement for Different User Needs, pp 228-236 Proceedings of the 1st International ÆGIS Conference, 7-8 October 2010, Seville, Spain,
Lundälv, M., McNaughton, S., Lindsay, P. (2010). Three Years of Consolidation and Development of Blissymbolics Resources and Services for Blissymbol Users, ISAAC Barcelona 2010 Communicating Worlds.
Lundälv, M., Farre, B., Brännström, A., Nordberg, L. (2010). Open-Source Concept Coded Graphic Symbol Support in ETAPS 2010 – FOSS-AMA, Paphos, Cyprus.
Mattsson Müller, I., Buchholz, M., & Ferm, U. (2010). Text messaging with picture symbols – experiences of seven persons with cognitive and communicative disabilities. Journal of Assistive Technologies, 4 (4), 13-25.
Donegan, M., Cotmore, S., Holmqvist, E., Lundalv, M., Buchholz, M., Pasian, V., et al (2009). Final user report. (Deliverable D3.6. Communication by Gaze Interaction (COGAIN), Project IST-2003-511598).
Donegan M, et al. Understanding users and their needs. Universal Access Information Society D01 10.1007/s10209-009-01 48-1 (2009.Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 1615-5298 (Print) 1615-5297 (online)
Ferm, U., Nordberg, A., Tuominen-Eriksson, A-M., Åkerberg, A. (2009). Intervention vid dysartri hos barn och ungdomar med cerebral pares – en evidensbaserad kunskapssammanställning: Uppdatering 2009. Föreningen Sveriges habiliteringschefer:
Claesson, B., Johansson, I., Johansson, U. & Östlund, E. (2008). Talutveckling hos små barn med cochleaimplantat; en interventionsstudie. Projektrapport, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Huddinge, Sektionen för cochleaimplantat.
Ferm, U., & Thunberg, G. (2008). Alternativ och kompletterande kommunikation (AKK). I L. Hartelius, U. Nettelblad & B. Hammarberg (Red.), Logopedi (sid. 459-470). Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Lundälv, M., & Mühlenbock, K. (2008). SYMBERED and NavigAbile - two means to achieve cross-language and symbol supported web accessibility. Proceedings of the 13th Biennial Confer 2000 ence of ISAAC, Montreal, Canada.
Mühlenbock, K., Lundälv, M., Alcantud, F., Rico, D., Maggioni, E. & Ferré, L. (2008). NavigAbile - Evaluation of services and methodologies for Internet exploitation by AAC users. Proceedings of the 13th Biennial Conference of ISAAC, Montreal, Canada.
Thunberg, G. (2008). Dinosaurie på DART: Kommunikationshjälpmedel i ett historiskt perspektiv. Course Essay in Cognition History. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg, Department of Linguistics.
Thunberg, G. (2008). Talsyntes som stöd för personer med autismspektrumstörning. Course Essay in Cognition History. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg, Department of Linguistics.
Eng-Olofsson, A., Ferm, U., Hartelius, L. (handledare), Nordberg, A., Tuominen-Eriksson, A-M., Åkerberg, A. (2007). Intervention vid dysartri hos barn och ungdomar med cerebral pares - en evidensbaserad kunskapssammanställning. Kommer att publiceras på Föreningen Sveriges Habiliteringschefers hemsida.
Ferm, U. (2007). Talking Mats: En metod som underlättar kommunikation. [Svensk översättning av Murphy, J., & Cameron, L. (2006). Talking Mats: A resource to enhance communication.] Stirling, Skottland: University of Stirling.
Mühlenbock, K., Lundälv, M., (2007). SYMBERED – en symbol- begreppsredigerare,. Nordic Assistive Technology Conference, Oslo, Norway.
Thunberg, G. (2007). Using speech-generating devices at home. A study of children with autism spectrum disorders at different stages of communication development. Gothenburg Monographs in Linguistics 34. Göteborg, Sweden: Göteborg University.
Thunberg, G., Ahlsén, E., & Dahlgren Sandberg, A. (2007) Autistic Spectrum Disorders and Speech-Generating Devices - Communication in Different Activities at Home. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 21, 457-479.
Donegan, M., Oosthuizen, L., Bates, R., Istance, H., Holmqvist, E., Lundalv, M., et al. (2006b). Report of user trials and usability studies. (Deliverable D3.3. Communication by Gaze Interaction (COGAIN), Project IST-2003-511598).
Ferm, U. (2006). Using language in social activities at home: A study of interaction between caregivers and children with and without disabilities. Gothenburg Monographs in Linguistics 34. Göteborg, Sweden: Göteborg University.
Heimann, M., Tjus, T. & Lundälv, M. (2006). Motivating children with autism to explore language. 2nd World Autism Congress, Cape Town, South Africa.
Lundälv, M., Mühlenbock, K., Farre, B. & Brännström, A. (2006). SYMBERED - a symbol-concept editing tool. Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Genua, 1476-81.
Maegaard, B, Fenstad, J-E., Ahrenberg, L., Kvale, K., Mühlenbock, K & Heid, B-E. (2006). KUNSTI - Knowledge generation for Norwegian language technology, Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Genua, 757-60.
Judson, A., Hine, N., Lundalv, M., Farre, B., (2005). Empowering disabled users through the semantic web. First International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (Miami, USA, 26-28 May 2005) (ed. J.Cordeirdo, V. Pedrosa, B. Encarnacao and J. Filipe) pp.162-167. ISBN 972-886520-1.
Lidström, H. and G. Zachrisson, Eds. (2005). Aktiv med dator - möjligheter för personer med rörelsehinder. Stockholm, Hjälpmedelsinstitutet.
Ferm, U, Ahlsén, E., & Björck-Åkesson, E. (2005). Conversational topics between a child with complex communication needs and her caregiver at mealtime. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 21, 19-40.
Buchholz, M. & Holmqvist, E. (2004). Follow up study on: Head controlled mouse for computer access. 11th Biennial Conference of ISAAC, Natal, Brazil.
Heimann, M., Lundälv, M., Tjus, T. & Nelson, K.E. (2004). Omega - interactive sentences, multimedia software for language exploration and play. Topic Data & Språkbehandling HB, Göteborg.
Hekstra, D., Lundälv, M., (Oct. 2004). World-Wide Access with Symbols, 11th Biennial Conference of ISAAC, Natal, Brazil.
Lundälv, M., (Oct 2004). A Concept Coding Framework for Graphic Symbol Based AAC in Internet Environments, 11th Biennial Conference of ISAAC, Natal, Brazil.
Tjus, T., Heimann, M., Lundälv, M., (2004). Multimedia Strategy for Facilitation of Communication Skills, 11th Biennial Conference of ISAAC, Natal, Brazil.
Havstam, C., Buchholz, M. & al. (2003). Speech recognition and dysarthria: a single subject study of two individuals with profound impairment of speech and motor control. Logoped Phoniatr Vocol 28(2): 81-90.
Holmqvist, E. & Buchholz, M. (2003). Att styra dator med huvudmus : en metodikstudie. Vällingby, Hjälpmedelsinstitutet.
Lundälv, M., Lysley, A., Clarke, M., (2003). People using Graphic Symbol based Augmentative and Alternative Communication and the Internet: Guidelines and Tools for Supporting Symbol Conversation in Web Browsing and Email. AAATE 7th Conference in Dublin, August 2003.
Tjus, T., Heimann, M. & Lundälv, M. (2003). Multimedia enhancement of language and reading skills. Paper presented at Autism Europe, Lisbon, Portugal.
Buchholz, M. and Holmqvist, E. (2002). Head controlled mouse for computer access - Methods for introduction. 10th Biennial Conference of ISAAC, Odense, Denmark.
Holmqvist, E. (2002). Children and Adolescents with Severe Communication Disorders - A Survey. Göteborg: Sahlgrenska Academy at Göteborg University, Faculty of Health and Caring Sciences. Institute of Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy, Master's Research thesis in Occupational Therapy, 20 credits.
Ferm, U. (2001). Questions in the Mealtime Interactions of a Child with Sever Speech and Physical Impairments and her 1eeb Caregiver [Independent study]. Göteborg, Sweden: Göteborg University, Department of Linguistics.
Ferm, U. (2001). Cooperation and Non-understanding in Child-Caregiver Conversations: Constraints of Speech and Physical Impairments. [Manuscript presented at the 8th Biennial Congress of IADA, Göteborg, Sweden, 2001, and at the 10th Biennial ISAAC Conference, Odense, Denmark, 2002]. Göteborg, Sweden: Göteborg University, Department of Linguistics.
Ferm, U., Amberntsson, B., & Thunberg, G. (2001). Development of a Minspeak application using Blissymbols: Experiences from two case studies. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 17, 233-244.
Zachrisson, G., Rydeman, B., & Björck-Åkesson, E. (2001.) Gemensam problemlösning vid Alternativ och kompletterande kommunikation. Göteborg, Halmstad & Västerås.
Buchholz, M. & Havstam, C. (2000). Slutrapport Taligenkänning och dysartri. Göteborg, Sweden.
Thunberg, G., Buchholz, M. & al. (2000). Lyckliga Äktenskap - kommunikation med integrerad hög- och lågteknologi. Stockholm, Hjälpmedelsinstitutet
Tidigare än 2000
Amberntson, B., & Ferm, U. (1997). BLISSTRATEGI - ett minspeakbaserat program för blissanvändare. Programvara. Göteborg: SIH-Läromedel.
Amberntson, B., Ferm, U., & Thunberg, G. (1995). Bliss-Minspeak: utveckling och utvärdering av minspeaktillämpning med blissymboler utifrån två fallstudier. Rapport & Dokumentation 66/1995. Stockholm: Handikappinstitutet.
Amberntson, B., Ferm, U., & Thunberg, G. (1994). Bliss-Minspeak: utveckling och utvärdering av minspeaktillämpning med blissymboler utifrån två fallstudier. Delrapport. Göteborg: SIH Läromedel.
Bovide, P., & Ferm, U. (1989). Normala förskolebarns röster En kvalitativ studie. Examensarbete i logopedi. 1989. Göteborg: GU.
Buchholz, M. (1999). Methods used for comparing effectiveness of computer based assistive technology devices: research review. College of Health and Caring Sciences, Department of Rehabilitation. Göteborg, Sweden, Göteborg University.
Colven, D., Lundälv, M., (1996). From SAW to Comspec - Mini Seminar, Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Conference of ISAAC, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Published in ”Medical Engineering & Physics, Volume 18, Issue 3, Pages 181-186 (April 1996).
Ekbom, A., Ferm, U., Holmqvist, E., & Zachrisson, G. (1996). Rolltalk - ett hjälpmedel för kommunikation, förflyttning och omgivningskontroll. Rapport & Dokumentation 68/1996. Stockholm: Handikappinstitutet.
Ferm, U. (1998). Barn med kommunikationshandikapp. Stockholm: Handikappinstitutet.
Ferm, U. (1997). Goal Attainment Scaling - ett kliniskt redskap i arbete med Alternativ och Kompletterande Kommunikation - redovisning. Göteborg: Bräcke Östergård, FoU.
Ferm, U., & Thunberg, G. (1995). Bliss och Minspeak - utveckling och utvärdering av minspeaktillämpning med blissymboler utifrån två fallstudier. Logopednytt. 3/1995.
Head, P., Poon, P., Landin, E., Rydeman, B., Lundälv, M. (1994). Multimedia Plocka: A Learning Environment for Young Children with Severe Physical Impairments, UK ToolBook User Conference 94 Proceedings, pp. 21-25. Published March 1995, ISBN: 0 86292 427 8.
Holmqvist, E. (1997). Barn och ungdomar med grav kommunikationsstörning - en inventering (pilotstudie). (Children and adolescents with severe communication disorder - a survey. Pilot study.) Göteborg: Vårdhögskolan i Göteborg, Institutionen för rehabilitering, examensarbete 10p.
Lundälv, M., Lysley, A., Head, P., Hekstra, D., (1999). ComLink, An Open and Component Based Development Environment for Communication Aids, AAATE 5th Conference.
Lundälv, M., Hekstra, D., Stav, E., (1999). Comspec – a Java Based Development Environment for Communication Aids, Improving the Quality of Life for the European Citizen, I. Placencia Porrer an E. Ballabio (Eds.) IOS Press 1999, ISBN 90 5199 406 0.
Lundälv,M. (1995). Comspec - A Modular and Open Software Platform for AAC Aids on the drawing-board, The European Context for Assistive Technology, Proceedings of the 2nd TIDE Congress, Paris, 1995, IOS Press/Omsha Amsterdam-Oxford-Tokyo-Washington DC, ISBN 90 5199 220 3 / ISBN 4 274 90045 2 C3050.
Lundälv, M., Bengtsson, M., Blom, S., Gustafsson, A., Wikberg, M., (1999). Experiences of User Involvement in Development and Services Concerning IT Based AAC Aids, Improving the Quality of Life for the European Cotizen, I. Placencia Porrer an E. Ballabio (Eds.) IOS Press 1999, ISBN 90 5199 406 0.
Lundälv, M., Poon, P., Head, P. (1988). Survey of Communication Aids and Keyboard Emulators, Lecture Notes in Medical Informatics vol 35, Medical informatics Europe '88: proceedings Oslo, Norway, August 1988, ISBN 3-540-50138-X Springer-Verlag.
Lundälv, M., (1994). Comspec - the Advent of an Integrated Modular Communication System, Proceedings of the Future Integrated Solutions Conference, Oxford, 19th April 1994, Published by the ACE Centre, Oxford, UK.
Lundälv, M., and Svanæs, D. (1993). Comspec - Towards a modular software architecture and protocol for AAC devices. In Proceedings of the 1st TIDE Congress, Brussels, Belgium, April 1993. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 55-59.
Poon, P., Lundälv, M. (1988). Survey of Communication Aids and Keyboard Emulators, DART, Göteborg, Sweden.
Svanæs, D., Lundälv, M, and Poon, P. (1993). The Specification of a Versatile Communication and Writing Tool, ECKART 2 conference proceedings, Stockholm, Sweden.
D.Svanæs, P.Poon, J.P.Odor, M.Lundälv, et al.(1990 and 1992). Comspec Phase 1 and Phase 2 Reports, DART, Göteborg, Sweden.
Thunberg, G. & Buchholz, M. (1998). Happy Marriages - integrating high and low technology in communication. ISAAC 1998, Dublin, ISAAC.