Central barnhälsovård in English

This webpage is for parents or anyone who takes care of small children. It's important for us at BVC to highlight things that are important to your child and you. In order for children to thrive, it''s important that the family is doing well. Click the links to read short texts about child development, well-being and growth. The page is under development.

Children and food

Eating habits develop early in a child’s life. This means that you have an opportunity to give your child a positive attitude to food and meals right from the start.

Dental health

Healthy teeth are an important part of your child’s overall health. It’s a good idea for your child to establish good habits early in life in order to protect her teeth against cavities.

Breast feeding

Breastfeeding is an opportunity to provide nourishment and intimacy, and to create a sense of security. It’s also an opportunity to be close to your child. Children need intimacy.

Feeding with a bottle

Feeding is an opportunity to be with your child and to give as well as receive intimacy. Children need a lot of intimacy, so it’s a good idea always to hold your child close to you in your arms when feeding them.

At BVC we ask questions about violence

Every child has a right to grow up in an environment without violence, which is why we ask questions about violence at BVC in Region Västra Götaland. In Sweden it is against the law to subject children to any form of violence.

Advice for reducing the risk of cot death

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), or cot death as it is also known, is when a small child who appears healthy unexpectedly dies, usually in their sleep and before the age of 6 months. Cot death is very rare, and its cause has still not been established.

Small children's hearing

When the baby is born its ears and auditory organs are fully developed. The part of the brain connected with hearing develops quickly during the first six months.