Habilitation for children, young people and adults - Engelska

Habilitation means to develop a new ability or to strengthen an ability someone already has. The aim is to reduce or prevent difficulties that may arise from functional impairment.

Welcome to Habilitation

Habilitation provides support for children, young people and adults who have permanent functional impairments, as well as their close family. It could be an impairment in the ability to move, to understand the world or to communicate and interact with other people.

Functional impairments are usually congenital or occur at an early age, such as delayed development, autism or movement impairments. The functional impairment may also be the result of an acquired brain injury.

Close family members having the knowledge and the ability to provide support is crucial for most people with functional impairments, at the same time as the environment must be adapted to their functional abilities. We also work to support and provide knowledge to close family members.

Habilitation is a specialist activity within healthcare. We have specialised knowledge of functional impairments and how they affect everyday life, health and development. Staff at Habilitation work in different occupations. We have different areas of expertise and work together with the patient in focus. Everyone at Habilitation is bound by professional secrecy.

When you come to Habilitation

Making contact

It is most often a doctor or a psychologist who refers people to one of our clinics. But you or a close family member can also write your own request for care to Habilitation. Your request for care should include a certificate from a doctor or a psychologist stating that you have a functional impairment in our target group.

First visit and assessment visit

At the first meeting you describe your life situation and your problems or difficulties - what we call health problems. If we are unable to give the support you are looking for, we can help you to contact the right organisation or authority.


Habilitation makes an investigation to explain the cause of your health problem, if it has not already been investigated. We look for explanations of your problems and find out what sort of conditions you have in your surroundings and what opportunities there are. What works well? What doesn't work so well, and why?

The investigation is made using an interview, observations or visits to the local environment. An investigation explains why everyday life is difficult. When the investigation has been completed we can provide the right actions.


When the investigation has been completed we need to agree on objectives, actions and how it can all take place. We draw up a timetable for the actions, determine who is responsible and what needs to be improved and changed.


Treatment can be in the form of support, training, compensation or prevention. Treatment is given individually or in groups. Actions may also involve close family members. What professional carers you meet depends on what actions are relevant for you.


We assess together whether the objectives have been achieved. What worked well, what didn't work so well, and why?

When you do not need any more help from Habilitation, our contact is finished.


Our starting point is your conditions and needs. You can have support and treatment individually or in groups.

You may be given training to improve your movements, strength or independence. We can give you knowledge, strategies and training to improve your social life and communication, and to manage different activities in your everyday life.

Sometimes a physical aid may be part of your treatment. We provide information and knowledge about your functional impairment. We can give you supportive talks so that you can understand the functional impairment and its consequences better. You can also get information and guidance about support and service from society. Sometimes people need preventive treatment to avoid future problems.


  • Development Strategies to manage the difficulties of everyday life and to develop within your ability
  • Knowledge for close family Knowledge and strategies for your close family members so that they can support you in the best possible way.
  • Participation Increasing your ability to participate in society through knowledge and aids

In order to achieve our objectives, we work together with staff in your municipality and other healthcare organisations. Such cooperation is always with consent from you or your close family.