Region Västra Götaland

Important Notice: Ongoing strike and blockade

There is an ongoing strike and blockade by members of the Swedish Association of Health Professionals.

Keep contacting healthcare providers at the appropriate level of care as usual. Call 1177 for guidance; they will direct you to the appropriate clinic if needed.

Visit for updates on service changes, telephone numbers, opening hours, and other temporary information.

Jobs and Internships

Looking for a job or internship in western Sweden? Region Västra Götaland offers a variety of jobs in the public sector.


The highest decision-making body in Region Västra Götaland is the Regional Council. Its 149 members are directly elected by the region’s inhabitants every four years.


If you are ill, in of need healthcare or have general questions concerning healthcare in Västra Götaland, please call healthcare service at number 1177. If you call from outside Sweden the number is: +46 771 11 77 00. In case of emergency call 112.


Region Västra Götaland is a driving force for the development in western Sweden. We collaborate on many levels with academia, the private sector and other public organisations. We are also an active partner in the EU with a track record of many succesful projects.

Public Transport

As a public transport authority, Region Västra Götaland decides the principles behind how public transport is to be extended and where investments are to be made in order to have the greatest possible impact. The aim is for public transport to contribute to achieving our vision of "the good life".


Västra Götaland is Sweden’s foremost region for culture. Through dedicated effort and the country’s largest cultural budget, both in absolute terms and per capita, culture has a obvious role in social life.